call #5

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"let's play a game"

"hi trevor"

"i ask you a question and you get to ask me question in return. we have a choice to not answer the question if it's extremely personal and they get to ask another question"

"you already know so much about me, it's not fair"

"i don't even know you that well"

"fine. i go first. what school do you go to?"

"Burnsley Acton High, how about you?"

"Martslock High"

"What is your favorite show?"


"oh. my. god." he said in a nasally voice

"no way. you watch friends too!?"

"yeah i do! who doesn't?"

"could we be more white trash?"

"i guess we'll have to see"

"ok, next question" she beams, making trevor smile at the thought of the game making her happy, "would you rather leave your hometown and never be able to come back or stay in your hometown but never be able to leave?"

"i'd rather leave but never be able to come back"

"what about family?"

"hey, one question at a time. what food would you say describes your personality the best?"

she laughs, "strange question, but ok. i would say a taquito. you can already see what's inside without having to split it or something. it's an open book."

"you just made taquitos deep."

"you asked the question!"

"but you just made taquitos, meat and cheese rolled in a tortilla, deep. there has to be some kind of award for that"

"well i better be nominated for that award"

"I would vote a thousand times"

she chuckled, "ok, are you in a relationship?"

"nope. are you?"

"uh, yeah. i'm with rick. i'm sure you heard of him."

"oh yeah, captain of the lacrosse team?"


'"do you have any siblings?"

"nope. i'm an only child. how about you?"

"i have a little sister and an older brother"

"is it true that being the middle child is the worst?"

"no, not really. i'm pretty tight with my brother and sister. i never really felt neglected either."

"it kind of sucks being the only child, sure i don't have to deal with the brutal sibling fights i always hear about but having not one but two parents always have their attention on me is kind of annoying when you can never get any privacy"

"that sucks."

"but i love my parents, and i'm glad that they care about."

"that sounds pretty sweet. my mom left when i was 9 so i never really had a motherly figure in my life, and it sucks even more for mandy, she's in middle school and she's going through that awkward stage of her life that would be a little bit easier for her if she had a motherly figure"

"mandy is your sister?"


"you care really care about her, don't you?"

"yeah, it sort of feels like an obligation as her older brother"

"i admire that"

"mandy sure doesn't appreciate it. she brought home her first boyfriend today"


"it isn't cute. don't 'awww', it's disgusting"

"but that's because you're her brother. it's her first love, let her be. when he breaks her heart, you can be the person there to comfort her"

"she's so young. majority of the people our age haven't even found their first love."

"well, you can't really do anything about it. let mandy live her life, and she'll love you for it"

"thanks, may"

"for what?"

"for being you."


a/n: awww may and trevor are scute <3

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