meeting #3

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on the day of the long waited date, riley rushed to may's house as quickly as possible (and as early as possible) to help may get ready for her date with trevor.

riley was happy for may. she never approved of rick, and she's really happy that may found someone who could make her happy.

she rang the doorbell and the door swung open immediately.

"seriously riley?" may sighed, "i told you that you don't have to come help me get ready! i know you like your sleep."

"are you kidding me?" riley scoffed, "i am not missing my best friend's first date with the notorious mystery caller who happens to be t.j marks! You're going to look so gorgeous after i'm done with you" she squealed

riley walks into her house without hesitation. they've been friends so long that it was almost as if riley lived here.

may was glad that riley is so excited about her date that she's willing to get up early to help her get ready for her date. but it was only the first date, may didn't really understand the big deal is.

but she's going on a date with trevor, and she couldn't have been more excited about the fact that she's finally going on a date with him after waiting for so long to reveal his identity.

ok, maybe may did understand what the big deal was.

"you look beautiful," riley beamed as she makes the final touches of her makeup.

may was never the girly one out of the two of them. riley enjoyed the idea of the perfect winged eyeliner and the perfect lipstick shade while may enjoyed the feeling of not having tons of makeup on her face. luckily, riley is a professional and understands that may likes to keep it light.

she applied generous coats of mascara, a little eyeshadow, eyeliner, and a swipe of blush and highlighter. she finished it off with a nude lipstick.

may turned to face the mirror and grinned at the sight. not only did she feel comfortable and at ease but she also felt pretty.

"thank you so much, riles," may said as she turned to face riley

"with you, you'd be looking like a panda right now" she chuckled, reminiscing to the first time may ever tried makeup, "what would you do without me?"

"i'd probably die," i state

"now it's time for the outfit" riley grinned, the outfit being her favorite part of helping me get ready for any occasion

"just don't make it too extravagant. i don't want to be overdressed."

"i got you," she smirked, "t.j told me where you guys are going anyway"

riley manages to find an outfit in just a couple of minutes and with the minimal option from may's closet. in riley's grasp is a pair of floral shorts, a knit crop jumper and my white high top converse.

"this is perfect" riley states, "now go put it on. trevor's going to here soon"


saying trevor was nervous would be the understatement of the century.

what if he says the wrong thing? what if he accidentally gets nacho cheese on her shirt? what if she just doesn't like him after this?

but he couldn't back out now. if he wanted to have may in his life, he'd have to work for her and try his best to not screw up this date.

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