call #19

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"trevor! finally! you picked up! i've been trying to reach you--"

"who is this?" an unfamiliar voice asks

"who is this?"

"t.j's girlfriend. now who is the skank on the other side of this call that's trying to call my boyfriend?"

"excuse me? who's--"

"look, i don't know who you are but i suggest you end this call now because i'm sure t.j wants nothing to do with your desperate ass"


"who's on the phone?"

"oh, just some girl--"

"give me the phone"


"give me the phone and please leave"

the girl huffs furiously and stomps so loud that it could be heard through the phone.


"i thought you weren't seeing anyone."

"i'm not. what makes you think i have a girlfriend?"

"well, that girl i was just talking to sure think you two are a thing"

"what- oh god- i'm- she's just a friend"

"she sure doesn't think so"

"...with benefits"

"i see."

"it was just a one time thing."


"may, are you okay?"

"i'm just peachy. did you get my voicemails?"

"uh.. yeah"

"did you even listen to them?"

"uh... yeah?"

"i can't believe you! you really were going to just drop me like we never happened!"


"no! if you wouldn't listen to my reasoning, i don't have to listen your's" she huffed, "you infuriate me so much! i've been trying to call you and i've been leaving voicemails every. single. time. do you realize how pathetic i felt?"

"may, i'm sorry. i just--"

"you know what, i could just tell you exactly what i said. i said that you suck, and you can't walk into my life and walk out like we never knew each other or ever exchanged a sentence! you wouldn't answer my calls, you wouldn't listen to what i had to say, you wouldn't even let me try to fix the mistake i made! i was drunk for god's sake! you, trevor harvelle, suck. a lot."

"i'm sorry"

"i thought you were my friend. an actual friend."


she hung up on him just like he did.

yet she felt no where near satisfied.


a/n: back to longer chapters! i'm sorry if this chapter sucks. i have a raging headache and my teeth feel like they're about to fall off because of my new braces.

qotd: nike or adidas?

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