call #13

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"i can't do it"

"you can't do what?"

"i can't break up with him. i'm scared. rick isn't exactly the poster boy for anger management "

"remind me why you liked him in the first place?"

"this isn't a joke!"

"i'm not joking!"

"you're insufferable"

"no i'm not. you're just freaking out. calm down a bit"

"i can't back out now! i asked him to meet me for coffee!"

"then sip on your coffee and chill before you causes a scene!"

"i'm just going to call him and cancel at-- oh shit, he's here"

"ok i'll talk to you--"

"no! i need you on the phone"


"you'll be a witness to my murder!"

"what-- may, what the--"

"hey babe" a deep, masculine voice says

"hey rick"

"look i'm sorry about the other day. i'm so glad you decided to meet with me, i missed you"

"dick" he gagged

"look, rick. i didn't call you today to just forgive you again"

"then what for?"

"i don't think-- i think we should --"

"are you ok? you know you can tell me anything, right?"

"when hell freezes over" he scoffed

"i'm breaking up with you" she blurted



"i heard you" rick boomed, "how could you do this?"

"how could i do what?" she seethed, her voice rising, "you are possessive, and you are controlling and i've had enough! i am not your little puppet that you could mess with! i'm taking matters into my own hands because if i don't do this now, i don't i would've ever done it. if i don't do this, we may stay together throughout college and after, and soon we'll be married with 5 children in a mansion that i paid for"

"that was my line" he smirked

"we're done, rick"

"you will regret this" rick seethed

"you don't scare me anymore"

"slut" rick hissed

after a few moments of silence, she returns, "he's gone"

"you stole my line"


a/n: your first glimpse of rick :) this is probably one of my favorite chapters..

qotd: what is your favorite food?

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