Chapter Eight

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Our new traveling mate proved to be very useful.  He could kill creatures just by looking at them, which became handy when we needed food. He also seemed to instill fear into those around him, which dropped muggings down to a fair minimum. He was a lot more quiet than when we first met him. Even when spoken to he just nodded rather than say words. Anya was obsessed with him. Were ever he went so did she. I've never seen her like this before. The I remembered  the options she had in Fraywood, none of which where that appealing when I thought about it.

Our journey south had carried us to village by the name of Rock Vale. Apparently the people here were incredibly easy to anger. We noticed this as they tied us up to posts. The posts were because they wanted to light us on fire, of course.

"He killed our sheep." One villager said, pointing to the Stranger. He wasn't technically lying, the Stranger looked at the sheep and, coincidentally, they suffered cardiac arrest shortly afterward.

There were two posts that we were tied to. I and the Stranger to one, and Al and Anya to the other.

"Don't be ridiculous." Allister yelled.

"We saw it," the villager said, "he looked at the sheep and it died."

"What makes you think he did that?" Anya asked.

"Cause he's a witch." Another villager with a wart, the size of my fist, on her face said.

"And you know what you do to witches?" The apparent village leader asked.

No one in the village could prevent their self, even Allister joined. "Burn her!" They bellowed. And the torches were revealed.

"Brace yourself," the hushed voice of the Stranger whispered behind me, "when you see the signal, lift your legs."

"How will I know what the signal is?" I asked.

"Believe me, you'll be able to tell."

They were getting closer with the torches. One person was already leaning down to light the kindling beneath our feet. When the faint evidence of smoke revealed itself, his head exploded into a chunky, red and pink mist. I could see the a chain going through the space his head one occupied. I think that was the signal.

I kicked my legs up as fast as I could and then I was falling face first into the ground. When I hit, other than breaking my nose, I rolled and tumbled on the ground. Behind me the pyre had taken light and instantly became a bonfire. The trees here must be made of napalm or something.

Out of the flames emerged the shadowy figure. The Stranger was spinning his chain so fast that I could see little sparks were it must have ignited due to friction. It was badass. He cleanly sliced the village leader in half, from head to toe that is. The other villagers began to express their reconciliation to the whole burning plan and simply decided "Runaway!" was a far better idea.

"Does that happen often?" I asked the Stranger, once we had freed the others and escaped to a foggy moor just south of the village.

"More than I wish." He replied.

"Did you mean to stare that shee-" Allister began to say. But was interrupted by a crossbow bolt piercing through his heart and poking out of his chest.

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