Chapter Fifteen

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I rode atop my new mount, like a conqueror heading into battle. Molly happily sauntered and trotted along the path with his tail wagging. In our view was the city of Incursia. Incursia was a city of new beginnings. People have immigrated into it for centuries. As a wizard in training, I’ve done some reading. And when you read, you end up reading a lot, especially since television the internet haven’t been invented yet. There are hundreds, upon hundreds of accounts and journal entries written by people who’ve been welcomed into the loving embrace of the city. They write of how it was a wondrous sight to see, all the colours, the size of it, the smell of food and spice, the magnificent fact that they no longer have to worry about being killed in a raid by some pissed off noble. But none, not a single one that I’ve read, mentions just how fucking hot the place is. We were pelted by the intense sun that tried to immolate us as we walked, probably out of spite; a frequent event I later learned, simply, as normal Incursian day.

At a distance, Incursia was big. When in its shadow, Incursia was a conglomeration of stone, glass, and people. It was immense. Even further in the distance, on the other side of the Bay of Souls, was the Laestrix School of the Arcane; a place I’d have to check out later.

A wide, rushing river isolated the city from the mainland. The city didn’t need walls, just a drawbridge. That drawbridge was located in the western portion. It was called Leopold's Bridge; because a man named Thomas built it and wanted it named that.The entrance to the bridge was a small fortress in and of itself. The presence of Molly barely made people tense. Some people looked at him in wonder, amazement, or just plain terror; but this was Incursia, the hub of the world. Nothing that isn’t strange has passed through its ports. They were used to seeing sights that others would claim strange, like a man riding a dire hell hound into a city.

“State your business.” A very old looking watchman said from below.

I hopped down from Molly’s back, “I have an urgent mission, I must speak with the king.” I said in my most commanding voice.

“I wouldn’t say urgent, we wasted like five days getting here.” Allister mumbled from behind me.

“Silence you undead swine.” I commanded.

“State your business.” The watchman repeated.

“I have a very important quest, I must meet with the king.” I said.

“State your business.” He said, once again.

“I have, multiple times.”

“State your business.” He said.

I was getting a bit annoyed, “Are you not liste-”

“Nah, I’m just fucking with you,” He chuckled, “the palace is just across the bridge and down the main street. Wicked dog by the way.”

“Uh, thanks.” I said.

The bridge had become a town all by itself. Encampments littered the overpass, remnants of those who walked this far only to decided to stop here. Some had made makeshift homes within hammocks in the area that the drawbridge rises. Ten minutes later we were within the city.

I never knew this city would change my life forever.

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