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A house lay still and dark. A cubicle made of curtains had separated the dining room from the rest of the home. Behind the curtains, sit four figures and stand one, lit only by a scattered arrangement of candles. The figures were arranged around a large dining table. On the table, an assortment of papers containing paragraphs, drawings, and hastily written numbers that mean nothing but to those who wrote them lay strewn about along with numerous sets of polyhedral dice.

The standing figure was male, an adolescent in age. His hair a messy brown and eyes a pale blue. He wore a pointed hat, purple in colour. His expression displayed both anger and denial. The four, sitting, looked up at him like an explosion mid detonation.

“This is bullshit!” The standing one yelled into the air.

“You failed the saving role, Craig.” A sitting one said. He had large glasses making his eyes appear twice as big as they were. His hair was a straight arrangement of black hair, all hair ending in a very neat bowl-cut. He was sitting behind a screen that obstructed the other’s view of his actions.

The standing one, now known as Craig, looked at him. “But, only by one. Matt, I shouldn’t have been knocked off of a fucking cliff. Knocked prone, sure, but not off of a cliff.”

“You were literally standing on the edge. If you were knocked prone you still would have fallen.” Matt explained.

“Craig,” another figure said. She was sitting on the other side of the table from Matt and next to Craig, and was of same age as both. She had long Auburn hair and eyes of turquoise. she wore a necklace holding a fake amethyst around her neck. “It’s just a character. May was killed, we're getting her resurrected. Why can’t we do the same for Ardy?”

He complained. “All my stuff is lost now, Jenna, including the rune. You know, the only reason we came out here. I’ve been using Ard for two years, now he’s dead. He fell off of a cliff, it's going to be difficult resurrecting him from down there.

“Yeah, it sucks.” Jenna agreed. “I’ve been using May for just as long. Just re roll a new caster. We’ll rejoin next session.”

“Well, why’d you stand so close to the cliff?” Another figure asked. He was sitting opposite of Craig and a year his former. He had darker skin than the rest and his hair was short and curly. Like Matt he wore, much smaller, glasses. His name was Theodore, but he prefered Ted. “You’re a mage, not a rock climber.”

“I was trying to activate the rune, you saw how awesome it was with the mage asshole.” Craig said in defense.

“You could have stood from the back.” A female voice said from between Ted and Jenna. “You were messing with the quest item, now we came here for nothing. May and you died for nothing, should've stood behind us.”

Craig slouched back into his chair defeated, uselessly rolling a twenty sided die. Matt turned back to remaining living characters. “You now stand, without the rune, in front of a fearsome dragon.” He told them. “What do you do?”

The two looked at each other for a few moments and said in unison “We fucking run.”

Rune of OldfyreWhere stories live. Discover now