Chapter Twelve

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The Castle was just up the hill the village. It wasn't actually that big, a single tower surrounded by a stone walls. A tattered cloth waving  from a parapet proclaimed that this tower was called. "Holy, Fucking Shit. Do not go in there."

While walking up to it, we passed a sorry looking gentleman who looked like he’d gotten off from a night of heavy industrial cleaner drinking.

“Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn” He said to us.

“I see,” Allister said to him, "sounds really interesting."

“What do you think is in there?” Anya asked

“Beats me,” Allister admitted, “maybe a ghost.”

“A g-g-g-g-ghost?” I joked, “ I hate the undead.”

“Fuck off.” He said politely said to me.

The door to the tower was located around the back. It was made of heavy wood and dried blood. Not a good sign. When I pushed it open, the sunlight revealed an absurdly small room. Within the room were skeleton arranged in such a way to suggest torture.

“Jinkies” Anya said.

“Zoinks man.” Allister agreed.

“Rahroh!” a voice from behind us said. When we turned around it was the man from the village.

“What are you doing here?” Anya asked.

“I didn’t want to stay down there, they started tearing each other’s bowels out. very ghastly.” He replied.

“I don’t remember getting your name.” I mentioned.

“It’s Scoobert Cornelius Dooford.” He said.

“Can we call you just call you scooby?” allister asked.

“No.” He said, in a very not-shitting-around way.

“Okay guys, I think we should split up.” I said.

“You should, totally do that…” a whispering voice, which sounded vaguely like Wil Wheaton, said. it emerging from one of the skeletons.

“On second thought,” I said, “We should really get back on track to Incursia.”

When we turned around the voice called out to us. “Please, don’t go, I’m so lonely.”

“Shut up Wesley!” We yelled in unison.

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