Chapter Fourteen

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Incursia was finally in the far distance, barely visible on the horizon. Though still a day away, we could already feel the city’s presence. The city of coloured glass was aptly named. When the light hit the city, it acted like a prism. It shined a flurry of colours across surrounding the landscape. Even at this distance, we walked among hues of blue and purple. The mid-day sun had cast rays of light right onto the magic college, just outside the city, causing the sapphire spire shined, well blue.

The city sat on a small island located within the Bay of Souls. Long ago, some nobles and royals and their like got together and formed a city. It was a merchant city, buying, selling and trading everything under the sun. Everyone was wealthy and well to do. Then, during some long forgotten war, refugees surged into the city. It now had the usual uninteresting ratio of the aristocracy to the plebeian masses as every other city in the world.

When the night fell, we found ourselves in a village named Horn Hill. The family charged with arbitrating this settlement was house Goldhorn. The entire town had a thing for horses, I don’t mean That, I mean the entire town was horse themed. The Goldhorn family crest was a black unicorn, with a golden horn, on a starry navy blue background.  The tavern we found was called The Drunk Equus.  

Apparently, the town gossip was also the local tavern wench. She gave us very useful information. Such as: “Demitri smith, the town blacksmith, is knocking boots with Doris Pettlebottom, the local flower collector.” or “John Peters -you know, the farmer- has found a rich vein of gold in his left kidney.” or, possibly my favorite “Gordiun Ramey, the Goldhorn’s dwarf chef and , alleged, concubine, was found dead in a badger hole… and they haven’t ruled out suicide.”

The room we received was sparsely decorated, and contained scant but a bed, horse hair blankets, and several books on the subject of equestrianism. My sleep was interrupted by a loud thud on the wall of the tavern. I don’t usually make a habit of getting up from sleep just to  investigate a noise. And I wasn’t going to start now. I fell back to sleep.

In the morning, after a breakfast of horse bacon and horse eggs, I discovered that the loud thud that interrupted my sleep was actually large dog that had hit the wall with its forelegs. Let me rephrase that, a massive dog, a dire hell hound. If you think dire wolves or hellhounds are bad, just wait until they breed together. It was twice the size of the one I saw at that battle I committed a war crime in. The beat was jet black with fissures of red and yellow across its coat. The odd thing was, it appeared to be extremely docile. The tamest thing you’d ever see.

The entire village locale had gathered to view this monstrosity. I found Anya and Al actually with the beast. When they spotted me Anya waved me over. “Hey Ardy,” She called, “I think you should probably see this.”

When I got close enough, the beast noticed me and immediately licked my face with a massive tongue that was larger than my head. Its breath smelled of fire, brimstone, and the faint hint of bacon.

“His name is Molly.” Anya said.

“First, how on Earth do you know that. Second, if it’s a boy, why Molly; or vice versa.” I asked, wiping a gallon of saliva off my face

“It’s explained in this letter.” Allister said, handing over a parchment.

To the inept wizard who worked in my shop,” It began, Wilhelm, he never used my name unless he was angry or impatient, “Enclosed within this package is my loyal pet, Molly, The Bringer of Disembowelment. Don’t let the name fool you, she is the gentlest creature in the world. I am leaving her to you as a thank you gift for standing watch over the realm of my store all those years (of which there was only ten months). Molly will be as loyal as any dog, and kick the asses of your foes. I assume you will have foes, any respectable person has at least twelve. May all the spirits guide you, and may your enemy’s head hit the floor without you taking a scratch.


Wilhelm, Doom of kobolds, and pain bringer

p.s. You didn’t sell those trolls eyes I told you to, you just hid them.”

“So I have a new dog.” I said, “I never knew he had a dog. Wait, said ‘his name is Molly”. Wilhelm said ‘she’.”

“Well… Molly!” she called. Molly stood up, tongue dangling out of her jowls. She was actually a he. at first I thought he had a fifth leg.

“Oh.” I said.

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