Wizard's Assistance

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The rattling old car sped down the empty Mississippi road. Miles watched the bright moon shining down as they drove along. For a few moments they enjoyed their silence and their freedom, but Miles knew they had to face the reality.

"Trey...where are we going?" said Miles.

Trey took one of his hands off of the steering wheel and starting fishing in the backseat. He finally grabbed the small black backpack he was wearing earlier. He tossed the bag to miles.

"Look in there for a metal circular object, about the size of the palm of your hand" Trey instructed. Miles looked through the bag until he found the object. It resembled a compass but had five hands, each a different length and color.

"Which way is the yellow arm pointing," Trey quizzed. Miles looked down at the mysterious device and located the yellow arm.

"To the right" Miles shouted and with a loud screech of the tires, Trey turned the car to the right and down another road.

"Which way now?" Trey shouted. Miles returned to the device, the yellow arm was now pointing to the left, but as the road they were traveling on had no turns available; he decided to tell Trey to keep going straight.

"What is this thing?" Miles asked looking the device over from top to bottom.

"I don't know. Dad left it for us. He said whenever we needed help follow the yellow arm, the purple arm will  point out hospitals and medicine, the green one will lead you home and the red one is the direction of trouble or danger," Trey explained.

Miles pointed out that Trey should take a left now that one was available. Another loud screech and now they were heading down the road into Creekside, an antebellum neighborhood that contained well-kept houses from the era. There were few people that lived in that part of town as most people would not want to live in the house built 150 years ago.

"What about this arm?" Miles asked pointing at the black arm on the device that was pointing straight up and not moving like the others.

"All Dad said was to never follow that one," Trey said slowing the car down as they drove through the dark neighborhood. The yellow arm was pointing straight ahead and when they pulled into the driveway of the house, it began spinning at a rapid pace and the glass of the device began flashing bright purples and yellows.

"I think it's telling us, we're at the right place," Miles said trying to figure out how to end the device's celebration. Trey took the device into his hand and began looking it over until he had a thought.

"Use your magic," Trey said tossing the device back to Miles.

"Magic is not the answer to all our problems Trey. Plus I don't know how to use the stuff yet" Miles said tossing it back to Trey.

Trey fumbled with it a little while longer and then out of aggravation he yelled," Just stop." And to his and Miles surprise, it did. Trey looked over at Miles, "Did I do that?" Miles shrugged his shoulders, not wanting to tell his brother that the device's bright lights and whirring noises had begun to aggravate him as well and he had started focusing on making it stop.

"This is where our help is. Let's go" Trey said cutting off the old car and hopping out. Miles followed suit and grabbed his duffle bag from the backseat. They boys walked up to the door of the old white house with a bright red door. Trey reached out to ring the doorbell.

"Trey stop!" Miles shouted, "It's like four a.m., you can't just ring the doorbell."

"Do you want to go to that school or not?" Trey asked Miles. He weighed his brother's question for a while and then nodded. Trey rang the doorbell. Cheerful chimes began ringing throughout the house. The boys stood closer together as they saw lights coming on. The red door swung open.

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