The Headmaster's Library

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Laughter erupted throughout the classroom as Drew fell out of his desk and hit the floor. "Mr. Mason," Professor Williams said in his powerful voice, "If I have not made it clear enough, let me reiterate, there is no sleeping in my class!" The class laughed even harder once they realized Drew was still not awake. Professor Williams walked heavily over to the snoring student and looked him over. Professor Williams then took out his wand and began to wave it over Drew's body. The class grew quiet as they watched the professor.

Drew started to wiggle in his sleep and then eventually he hopped to his feet. He started to strip out of his sweater as sweat appeared on his face. "I'm on fire!" Drew yelled out, causing his classmates to burst out in laughter once again. Drew stopped and began to look around at his cackling classmates. "I was burning up," Drew asked as he wiped the sweat from his forehead, "what did you do to me?" Professor Williams crossed his arms and said, "It is a temperature charm, 'fermentum,' and I was showing it as well as several others to your classmates before you interrupted us with your snoring!"

The class grew silent again. Drew slowly took his seat next to Miles. "Mr.Mason I hope you had no plans this evening as you will be helping the Pukwudgies shovel snow from the castle grounds until dinner," Professor Williams said as he made his way back to the front of the class. "It'll be okay," Miles whispered, "The Pukwudgies curse and tell dirty jokes, so it'll probably be fun." Miles and Drew began to laugh a little just as Professor Williams began to teach the cooling charm, frigus. "Mr. Cassidy, is something funny?" Professor Williams asked, "Would you like to join Mr. Mason?" Miles quickly shook his head no.

Professor Williams started back teaching the lesson, all the students in complete silence. After having a difficult morning in all of their classes which included Lillian accidently setting one of Professor Stewart's dreadlocks on fire while brewing her dragon scale potion, Miles, Drew, Lillian, and Javi snuck into the library to eat their lunches. "I can't believe I have a detention," Lillian groaned, "I have never had detention in my life." Javi took a big bite of his sandwich and attempted to console Lillian by saying, "Well at least all you have to do is clean cauldrons, Drew has to shovel snow! With the Pukwudgies!"

Miles laughed as he turned a page in the history book he got for Christmas. "Aren't you a Pukwudgie?" Drew asked suspiciously as he bit a huge chunk out of an apple. "Yeah, but I don't think the real Pukwudgies like me very much," Javi replied. "They don't like any students," Miles said as he flipped another page in the book. "Are you going to eat or are you just going to read that book?" Lillian asked as she snatched the book from Miles. He quickly snatched it back and flipped to the spot he was reading from. "It's really interesting," Miles protested, "And it's the only Christmas present I got this year." Javi finished the last of his lunch and decided to interject.

"You got those really nice pajamas from your family," said Javi. Miles closed the book and looked at his friends who all had questioning looks on their faces. "I don't know who really sent me that," Miles explained, "It just said 'family.' The only family I know is Mama and Trey. Mama doesn't know how to send things here and Trey" Javi, Drew and Lillian all exchanged looks and then focused their attention back to Miles. "The last I heard from him was these weird letters and I haven't got one of those since like October."

"Aren't you worried?" Lillian asked. Miles looked away from her and back down at the book. "I mean where are you going to go once the school year ends? It's already February," said Javi. Miles just stuck his head deeper into the book. A few tense moments passed and the school's loud bells began to ring out through the school. Drew, Lillian and Javi all stood up and left the table in the back of the library. After a few seconds, Miles closed the book and began to gather his uneaten lunch.

"You can always stay here," a girl's voice said. Miles looked up and saw Nettie leaning against a nearby bookshelf. "There a few kids that are in like the foster care system or whatever before they come to Ilvermorny and in the summers they stay around the castle and clean up and stuff," Nettie said with a seemingly nice smile on her face. Miles threw his lunch in the trashcan near the table and walked past Nettie without saying a word. "I was just trying to be nice!" Nettie said in her usual tone. Miles turned to face her and said "Thanks," with a smug tone.

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