The Four Statues

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"I'm Lillian. Lillian Andrews. I'm from California" the girl said sticking her hand out to Drew, "What are you guys' names? Where are you from?

"This is Miles' he's from down south, This is Javi he's from Mexico and I'm Drew, I'm from Connecticut" he said pointing to each his friends then himself. "And who might you be," he asked in Nettie's direction. She looked at him up and down from behind her sunglasses then back out of the window of the stagecoach.

"Don't mind her," Lillian apologized, "She is trying to be excluded," Nettie snatched off her sunglasses and looked at Lillian. "The word is exclusive, you dorcus," Nettie screamed at Lillian. "And furthermore why would I want to talk to a traitor Mason anyway," she sneered at Drew, "Or his grubby little friends." Miles fumed in his seat, Javi began to nudge him to get him to calm down but it was too late. Nettie tried to put her expensive sunglasses back on but, they had started to crumble to pieces and eventually dust.

"Which one of you cursed my sunglasses?" she screamed, "It was probably you Mason! You're acquainted with dark magic, aren't you?" Drew dropped his head in shame.

"It was me," Miles said proudly. Nettie held out the pile of sunglasses dust in her hand and shouted "Reverse the curse." Miles looked around at Javi and Drew who both shrugged their shoulders.

"Just as I thought," Nettie scoffed, "You're not only're a liar too! How could you curse my sunglasses? You clearly don't know magic of even the tiniest substance." She held her empty hand over the hand filled with sunglasses dust and said "reditum." The dust particles assembled themselves back into the pair of expensive sunglasses they once were. Nettie placed the glasses back on her face. "I guess I'll be the only varitan in the class."

"What's a varitan?" Miles whispered to Drew. Drew gave Nettie a nasty look and then explained, "A witch or wizard that doesn't need a wand to do magic, it's a powerful form of magic that takes years to master. Some never master it." Nettie flipped her hair and looked out the window of the stagecoach.

All the stagecoaches reached the castle and the doors to each stagecoach opened all at once. The students filed out of the stagecoaches. The main gates were flanked by a statue of a woman on one side and a man on the other. At the center of the gate were three grey creatures with large ears. The one in the center looked older and a little greyer than the others. The children stopped in front of the creatures. "Cool," said Drew peeping over the other kids in the crowd, "Real life Pukwudgies." Miles gave him a strange look then returned his focus to the Pukwudgies.

"Gather around, " the center Pukwudgie instructed in a raspy old voice, "I want you all to be able to hear me clearly." The children gathered closer around the Pukwudgies. The center one kept motioning for them to come closer until he was tapped by the one on his left. "Come on William," the grumpy Pukwdugie complained, "If they get any closer they'll be standing on us." William swatted at him, then halted the children.

"Before you enter the gates, get sorted and become true Ilvermorny students," said William, "You must take the oath of Ilvermorny." Miles and Javi exchanged confused looks. "Raise your right hand," William instructed, "And repeat after me:"

I take upon thee,

The true oath of Ilvermorny .

My body I give to protect the walls,

My mind I give to be filled with knowledge

And my heart I give to fulfill the promise.

To Isolt and James, I promise to thee

To forever uphold the name, Ilvermorny.

William stared at the statue of the woman for a few seconds, and then returned his focus to the students. "Students, you may enter the school," said William, "And always remember, that a true wizard or witch learns the most once he or she has learned of themselves" With a wave of his arm, the gates illuminated then open slowly. The Pukwudgies turned and led the students into the main castle. As they walked down a long corridor towards a large arch way that most have been 30 feet tall, Miles looked over to Javi.

Ilvermorny Year One: The Lost WitchWhere stories live. Discover now