No Snacks on the Train

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The Ilvermorny Express zipped through the dark tunnel. Miles sat staring longingly out of the window. Javi began to wave his hand in front of his face in an attempt to snap him out of the trance.

"Miles" said Javi now snapping his fingers in front of Miles "Are you awake in there?"

"I'm alright," Miles said not taking his eyes off the window, "I'm just looking for the light, we've been underground forever."

"It's to keep us hidden from the No-Maj's" a boy's voice said.

Miles and Javi turned to see a boy standing in the doorway of their compartment. He looked to be about their age but taller than they were. He also seemed to have a "coolness," to him.

"Drew Mason," the kid said holding out his hand to Javi.

Javi shook his hand with a bit of awkwardness, as did Miles a few seconds later. After greeting the boys, Drew made himself comfortable and sat down in the compartment next to Javi.

"Are you guys first years?" Drew asked crossing his legs and getting more comfortable. Miles and Javi simply nodded as they started to feel even more awkward.

"Are you a first year?" Miles asked he returned his focus to the window.

"Yeah," said Drew " I'm really excited even though I've been hearing about this place for all my life."

"You come from a magical family?" Miles asked shifting his focus back to Drew.

"Yep. There hasn't been a single person in my family that hasn't been a witch or wizard for...I don't know...ever," Drew said as he began to fish through his pockets. Finally after a few minutes, he pulled out a small sandwich bag filled with what looked like chocolate covered cherries.

"No one in my family is a wizard but me" Javi said looking away from Miles and Drew, "I'm a 're-gen'"

"A what?" Miles asked not taking his eyes off Drew's bag of treats. Drew notices and holds the bag out for Miles, who graciously accepts.

"A 're-gen' is short for resurgence of genes. Wizards are witches born to No-Maj's receive their powers from someone in their family who was a witch or wizard many generations ago." Drew explained.

"How on earth do you know all this?" Miles asked with a mouth of treats from Drew's bag.

"My father is a Magical Historian for MACUSA," Drew said as he snatched the nearly empty bag from Miles.

"What is MACUSA? Miss Sweeting, my librarian, kept talking about it" Miles said trying to chew the mouth of candy that did not seem to want to go down his throat.

"It's the Magical Congress of The United States," Drew said trying to hold back his laughs from Miles chewing, "They are responsible for keeping all of laws and ethics of the magical world here in the United States"

Miles tried to speak but his mouth wouldn't move. The chocolate like candy had become like cement in his mouth. His cheeks grew to three times their size. Drew began laughing uncontrollably and Javi lost all the color in his face.

"What's wrong with him?" Javi pleaded with Drew.

"He ate too many Gummy Fudges," Drew said between loud chuckles, " You're supposed to eat them one at a time or they'll fuse together and become like a rubber cement, which is the other use for gummy fudges."

"Who eats candy that can also be used as rubber cement?" Javi shouted.

"Your friend does apparently," Drew said wiping tears from his eyes.

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