Halloween Moon

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"Gather around...all of you's," Professor Salucci said in his usual rough tone, "Today is your first flying lesson and I don't want any accidents alright?" Miles, Drew and the rest of the first year Horned Serpents all nodded their heads. "Now I know some of you's come from magic families and have been on brooms your whole life," Professor Salucci said walking back and forth in front of the students, "I do not want you showin' off or making the other students feel bad. Is that understood?" Another group of nods from the students eager to start flying.

Professor Salucci led the students out of the gymnasium and onto the lush green fields that lie behind the castle. The grass seemed to stretch on for miles until meet with the dense forest behind it. Professor Salucci led the students out a couple dozen yards until they were a good distance from the castle. He then instructed them to form a straight row, and arm length apart. "Okay," He yelled at the students, "You are going to hold your hand out and just say up, then the broom will fly into your hands." The students exchanged looks. "All right," Professor Salucci said holding out his hand, "Give it a try."

The students looked around again. After a few seconds of whispering, Miles raised his hand to get Professor Salucci's attention. "Professor," Miles said , "There aren't any brooms on the ground." Professor Salucci looked down at the ground and then ripped the baseball hat from his head and threw it to the ground. "Damn Pukwudgies!" He said kicking the hat, "I told them to have these brooms out here for my flying lessons." The students all burst out into laughter at the expense of Professor Salucci. "You and you," said Professor Salucci halting the students' laughter, "Take these and get enough brooms for everyone. I'm going to give those rodents a piece of my mind."

Professor Salucci tossed Miles and Drew a set keys on a small ring and then began to stomp off towards the castle. "Don't be foolin' around," said Professor Salucci as he continued to walk towards the castle, "I'm going to be back out here in ten minutes. If I see any brooms in the air, I'm expelling you...personally." Miles looked down at the keys in his hand and began to run towards the castle,with Drew following behind him. Once back inside the castle Drew headed towards the athletic storage but Miles started down another corridor.

"Hey," said Drew, "the brooms are in here." Miles turned to face Drew, "I know that. I'm going to Salucci's office." A shocked look appeared all over Drew's face. "What do you mean? We can get in a lot of trouble for that." Drew said tears looking like they were forming in his eyes. "But we can also get alot of information about what the professors are hiding. Whatever this absolute thing is, they know about it!" Miles fired back as he turned to go down the corridor. Drew unwillingly stomped behind Miles down the opposite corridor.

The boys reached Professor Salucci's office. Miles began fanning through the keys, to see which one would open the large wooden door. He tried a long brown key, it didn't work. He then tried a silver one with a zig-zag shaped end, It didn't work and it was hard to get back out of the lock. Drew tried to use the unlock charm, as expected it didn't work. Miles continued to fan through the keys. He studied the lock a little while and noticed it was made of shiny brass as if it was brand new. He looked through the keys again until he found a small brass one. It worked.

Miles and Drew walked into the office to see it was...a complete mess. There were pizza boxes, Chinese food containers and styrofoam drinking cups scattered everywhere. There was a string tied from to two of the opposite walls in his office, on which hung several pairs of boxer shorts and socks, all of which had several holes. His desk was covered in mountains of papers and plates of half eaten pizza and empty potato chips bags. On top of everything else Professor Salucci's office had going on, there was a smell in the air that was a mixture of armpits and nacho cheese.

"Hurry up and find whatever you are looking for, so we can get out of here," Drew said covering his nose and mouth with his hands. Miles quickly began to fish through the drawers of Professor Salucci's desk, which all were as cluttered as the rest of the room. Miles then turned to an old green metal file cabinet behind the desk which turned out to be where Professor Salucci kept the rest of his underwear. Quickly slamming the file cabinet shut, Miles then ran over to a closet door and opened it. There was a loud growl and Miles then slammed the door back as he did not want even begin to think about what that was looking back at him with four pairs of eyes.

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