Auror's Storm

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Even though it had been a few weeks since Miles had heard the voice, he could not stop thinking about it. The voice had called Miles his son. Was that what his dad had sounded like? Miles was so young when he died that he didn't remember anything about him. He had never seen any pictures of him. There weren't any home movies or anything. Every time he asked Mama about it she would just say, "He's dead. Leave him that way."

Every evening after the last class and before dinner started, Miles sat in the library attempting to write Trey a letter. He knew Trey was the only one who could answer questions about their dad, but he also knew something was not right with Trey. Every two weeks, the same strange letter from before would arrive. The paper or envelope would change, but the message would always be the same. Miles knew he had to figure out what was going with Trey but he had no idea how to.

Right on schedule, the bells began to ring throughout the school letting the students know it was dinner time. Miles then followed his own usual schedule by putting away the blank piece of paper between the pages of Boot's Charms Vol.1 and heading towards the dining hall. As he walked along the corridor, he usually came across other students and maybe a few teachers, but today the corridor was empty. Although he did not notice at first, it became obvious when a groaning noise began to echo through the space.

Miles looked around as the painful noise grew louder. He looked down the corridor both ways and saw nothing. "Aaaaaagh," the voice pleaded again. Miles pulled out his wand and began walking towards the direction of the voice. He walked very slowly down the corridor in the opposite direction of the dining hall. The voice had now become a loud sob. He gripped the wand tighter and continued creeping down the corridor. He finally reached the end, where the corridor met another. He looked right and saw nothing, then left to see Professor Oxendine crouched over in pain and gripping her right arm.

She cried loudly from the deep pain, her tears staining the stone floor beneath her. Miles almost ran to help her, but he saw Nurse Winona and Professor Exeter running down the corridor towards Professor Oxendine. "Akecheta?!" Professor Exeter shouted as he knelt down to help her to her feet, "what has happened to you?" Miles looked and saw that her right hand and arm were now completely red and the veins on her hand and arm were swollen and sticking out.

"I tried to destroy it again," Professor Oxendine said almost out of breath, "It has to be destroyed. Its power is growing." Professor Oxendine tried to tell Professor Exeter something else but she passed out in his arms. "Winona," Professor Exeter said as he lifted Professor Oxendine into his arms, "Take her to the private room of the infirmary, I have to alert MACUSA immediately." Nurse Winona nodded and pulled out her wand, she gave it a quick flick and Professor Oxendine was now floating in the air.

Nurse Winona pulled Professor Oxendine through the air by her pants' leg in one direction and Professor Exeter ran off towards Miles' direction. Miles immediately held his breath and stood still, hoping the headmaster wouldn't see him. Professor Exeter started down the corridor then stopped and looked in Miles' direction. Miles slowly opened one of his eyes, knowing that Professor Exeter was going to be standing there with the meanest look possible on his face.

To his surprise, Professor Exeter was standing there looking directly at him but his facial expression made it appear as he didn't see anything. "I know I heard something," Professor Exeter stated looking directly through Miles. Miles slowly waved his hand in front of Professor Exeter's face, he couldn't see him. It had happened again, Miles was invisible. He decided not to dwell on the experience this time, and quickly ran from in front of Professor Exeter, down the corridor and towards the dining hall as fast as he could.

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