A Man Without Family

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The November air was crisp as Trey made his way through the small Massachusetts town. Trey was trying to find shelter for the night as he had been hopping from town to town over the last couple of weeks ever since the Scourer battle on Halloween. As the sun began to set, Trey decided he better began looking for his resting place. He had been sleeping on the porches and under the carports of houses he came across during his journey.

As Trey lay out on the cold bricks, night after night, he began to wonder to himself if he was ever going to have a family again? Did he already have one and just did not know it. The letter that was given to him by Alpha right before he fled still ran through his mind ever so often. How could have Alpha been his father this whole time and he not known it? Or more importantly, was he actually his father or someone who had to do with his death

Trey refocused his thinking back on finding the home of a nice family to which he could make shelter. He made his way into a small neighborhood with big old Victorian houses all painted bright shades of purples, greens, and yellows. As he approached closer he saw a small wooden sign hanging from a metal rod that read "Olympus." Trey passed the sign and continued into the neighborhood. People were walking their dogs down the street, sitting out on their front porches and cutting their grass as the evening sun began to set. Trey smiled as this place seemed like something out of a commercial.

As Trey continued to walk through the neighborhood, more and more people started to notice him. A few people stopped their activities and began to walk over to Trey. "From around here are ya?" a man asked Trey as he jumped out in front of Trey. He jumped back and realized that he was surrounded by the neighborhood people. "Who are looking for?" a woman growled at Trey. The people began to close in on Trey tighter and hurl more questions at him.

"Leave him be," a strong deep voice cried out. The crowd backed away from Trey and there was a man standing behind the crowd on the sidewalk. He had gray hair and facial, but he was remarkably in shape for his age. He was wearing workout clothes including a sweatband around his head. After the crowd had disbursed, he walked over to Trey. "Uh...thank you," Trey muttered. "No problem at all, "the man said extending his hand, "Samuel G. Quahog." Trey then suspiciously shook the man's hand as the name sounded so familiar.

"You look rough young man," said Samuel as looked over Trey dusty clothes he had been wearing for a month, "are you alright?" Trey nodded to which Samuel replied, "Well you look awful, come on to the house for some food will you?" Trey took a moment and thought about the offer. "Unless you want to stay out here with them," Samuel asked as he turned and began to walk towards his house. Trey took a look at the angry people on the opposite sidewalk and quickly followed behind Samuel.

Samuel's house sat at the corner of two streets. It was one of the few white houses in the neighborhood. It also had green stained glass windows and a bright green set of double doors serving as the entrance. Trey followed Samuel into the home. The house looked like a museum. A giant chandelier hung in the foyer as well as the adjacent living room. There was fancy furniture and rugs filling the space. Every ornament and object on the shelves was perfectly aligned. There were rows and rows of books all in order by color and name. The house was simply stunning.

Samuel told Trey to make himself comfortable in the living room as he ran upstairs. As Trey walked into the living room, he noticed something that shocked him. Samuel had small pictures on his coffee table...that were moving. The only other place Trey had seen moving pictures was Miss Sweeting's house and she was a...was Samuel a wizard? "Well sit down boy. You look god awful." A man's voice said in an English accent. Trey looked around to see where the voice was coming from. "Do you have to be such a bother? Leave him alone." A woman said in an equally deep accent. "Who said that," Trey yelled out.

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