Absolute Power

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The corridor was dark and quiet. Trey had wandered quite a ways from his father and the rest of the group. He had recently learned the clever and useful lumos charm. The tiny light beamed from the tip of his wand as he carefully made his way to the tomb.

Trey stopped in his tracks as the corridor started to fill smoke. The smoke was a hazy purple color that seemed to shimmer as if there were diamonds sprinkled over it. He cautiously moved through the smoke, one big step at a time. The smoke slowly became thicker and thicker until it had completely enveloped Trey.

The light from his lumos charmed was dimmed by the density of the smoke.  The smoke then started to make its way into Trey's mouth and nose. The substance did not feel like air, but more like mist. It tingled the inside of Trey's mouth and nose, but not at all in a good way. He tried his best to not inhale the purple glistening mist but it forced its way down into his lungs.

After breathing in the mist for a few seconds, he started to feel funny.  "LLLLLLLumos maxxxxxima," Trey said with his voice skipping as if it was coming from a scratched cd.  The bright light of the charm reilluminated the corridor. The mist seemed to slowly back away from the light, clearing a path for Tey to walk down.

Trey wiped his hand across his face as the mist in front him was changing colors from purple to red to yellow and then to green. He looked down at his hand and it was moving in slow motion leaving behind it a shadow like trail of hands.

"Wwwwhat is is is is is is hap hap happening to to to to me," Trey said as he looked at his wand in his other hand and it had the same shadow effect happening to it. He looked down at the stone floor beneath his feet. Each step he took left ripples as if he was walking on water. Trey reached out and tried to balance himself the wall turned to sand. He quickly turned to the other wall and saw that it had turned into a waterfall of sand as well.

Trey screamed to the top of his lungs and then took off running down the corridor through the smoke. After runnng for a while, the corridor got cold. Ice cold. The air was clear and crisp. As Trey breathed in the cold air, his head began to feel like it was swimming. He exhaled and saw that his breath was white as if he was standing out in winter air.

He started walking down the corridor slowly. His damp clothes began to stiffen as the air got colder and colder. The floor started to feel slippery, as Trey tried to maintain his balance. He reached out for the wall of the corridor and SCHWOOP! Trey fell to his side and began to slide down the corridor.

Trey screamed as his body slid down the icy corridor like a hockey puck. He bounced back and forth between the walls as the floor seemed to be sloping downward more and more. "Lumos!" Trey shouted. The ball of light shone down to what seemed like the end of the corridor. There was large hole in the ground and he was speeding right for it.

He reached out to try to grab the wall to stop himself and his kept slipping  off the ice cold rocks."There has to be a spell for this," he shouted as he went off the edge the corridor. Trey fell down a short column and landed on a grate with a thud.

In the tomb, the loud thud sound rang throughout the large room. President Wollerwick looked up at the grate above their heads, but saw nothing. "Stay alert," she said as she walked back over to the table where Miles was laying. 

Above them, Trey was standing against the walls of the column and looking down through the grate. He saw Miles laying on a stone table and skeleton laying beside him. Trey then began to inspect the grate. The was a small hinge that was keeping it closed. He looked at the hinge and then down at his brother, he knew what he had to do.


Professor Exeter, Javi and Lillian all made it up to the top of what remained of the tower. The auror's storm  was weakening. "Something or someone has called them off," said Professor Exeter. Javi looked through the rain to see red trails of smoke headed down the mountain and toward the train station.

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