The Tomb of the Lost Witch

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Nettie slowly began to wake up from what felt like the longest slumber ever. They looked around and saw that they were in a large round stone room. A single torch illuminated the room. Nettie looked around and tried to make out where they were exactly. All she could see was a staircase that led down a seemingly endless pit. She looked up and saw a huge hole in the ceiling as if someone had blown it open.

"Where are we," Drew moaned. "I don't know," Nettie said, as she began to stand up. Drew's arms began to move toward Nettie and then they both realized they had been chained together. Drew looked over and saw that his other arm was chained to Lillian and hers was chained to Javi. "Wake up, wake up," Drew said nervously. Javi and Lillian began to wake up and look around.

"What happened to us?" Javi asked. He looked down at the chains on their arms and then at the bleak tower they were in. "I don't know but we have to get out of these chains and find Miles," Nettie said. Lillian began to look around frantically. She stood up, which also caused Drew and Javi to stand up. "Where is it?" Lillian shouted.

"Where is what?" Nettie asked. Lillian turned around frantically and looked at Drew and Javi up and down. "My wand," said Lillian, "I don't have it." Drew, Javi and Nettie all began to pat themselves down and they too realized that did not have their wands. "The scourers," Drew said, "they must've taken them when they locked us down here." Javi then noticed that he couldn't move his right arm very far. "Guys," Javi said.

Lillian, Drew and Nettie all looked back at Javi and saw that he was chained to the wall, meaning that they all were chained to the wall. "How are we supposed to save Miles now?" Drew said with a cracking of emotion in his voice. Lillian began to look around as did Nettie. Lillian began to inspect the stone wall and she noticed that some of the bricks were kind of loose.

"I think I know how to get us out of here, " said Lillian, "But is not using magic." Drew, Nettie and Javi all gave her a crazy look.


In the corridor that led to the headmaster's office, Professor Oxendine hovered over the headmaster. "You look like you've been through hell," she said looking him up and down.She then used her wand to move him over to the wall of the corridor. "Hopefully you'll be safe here." She then ran down the corridor towards his office.

Once she arrived at the office she saw the door had been blown off hinges. She walked in to see his desk had been tossed to the side of the room like a ball of paper and there was a huge hole blown into the floor. "It's too late, they have found it first," said Professor Oxendine. She ran back out of the office and back towards the main part of the castle and towards the courtyard.

She made it to the courtyard and looked up and the pounding rain. She could barely see anything, but she pulled out her wand. She had to send a signal.

In the valley, not too far from the castle, but far enough where they were not englufed in the Auror's storm, William and Trey hid in the tall grassed and waited. "What in the world is that?" Trey asked his father. "It's the auror's storm,"William answered, "it is enchanted to strike anyone that MACUSA doesn't want to enter the castle with lightning." Trey gulped hard.

Amist all of the rain, thunder and lightning, there was two bright green trails of smoke that went up in the air. "It's time my son," William said to Trey, "are you ready?" Trey shook his head no. "Too bad," William said as he stood to his feet, pulling Trey up with him. They began to run up the last hill that separated their hiding spot from the main gates.

They crossed into the barrier of the storm and began to get pelted with the intense rain. The ground was flooded with water and running became harder and harder. Trey looked up in the sky and saw famliar red trails of smoke seemingly fighting back and forth with flashes of lightning.

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