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"Hear ye, hear ye," said the man standing behind the podium in the dining hall of Ilvermorny, " I, Winston O. Lamar, Interim President of the Magical Congress of the United States of America, hereby clear Mr. William A. Cassidy, birth name Kohani Oxendine,  of all previous charges labeled against him by MACUSA." 

There was thunderous applause from the crowd of students and people who have gathered in the hall. Miles and Trey stood on stage beside their father and clapped along as well. "I would also like reinstate Mr. Cassidy at his full rank of Auror at MACUSA and wish him a happy and long career serving his people. Thank you," said President Lamar.

President Lamar stepped from behind the podium and Professor Exeter, wearing a cast on his arm and leg stepped behind it.

"My dear students," said Professor Exeter, "In my 15 years as headmaster I cannot ever recount a year as troublesome as this one, but as I stand here and look out on your faces I am reminded that we made it. We all made it." The crowd clapped and cheered.

"It, however, was not by sheer luck that we made it," said Professor Exeter, "It took the courage of a brave young man and his friends and his family to break the rules, to not accept no as an answer and stop at nothing to save this school from those who wish to see not exist any longer"

The crowd cheered again and Professor Exeter motioned for Miles to come closer to the podium and for his friends to join him on stage.

"So on this day, Ilvermorny salutes, Drew Mason, Lillian Andrews, Javier Ortiz, Antionette Exeter and Miles Cassidy for risking their lives to save their school and their community," said Professor Exeter. Trey and William clapped as Miles and his friends got cheers from the audience. "I would also like to thank all of our exceptional professors but especially Professor Oxendine, as she too risked everything even her own family to save us all." Professor Oxendine shyly waved as the crowd cheered for her.

"Last but not least, I would be extremely unworthy of my position of headmaster if I did not correct the wrongs done to the youth of the magical community of America. So it is by the authority vested in me as well as the permissions of MACUSA and one strongly worded letter of recommendation by former president Samuel G Quahog, that Mr. Trey L. Cassidy be admitted into Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to complete his seventh and final year." said Professor Exeter.

Trey's mouth fell open and his father wrapped his arms around him.

"Now please everyone have a seat, and let the meal begin" Professor Exeter said in closing.

Trey took a seat at the table between Miles and William. "I can 't believe I get to come to school here." Trey said still in shock. "You're going to do fine," William said. In the corner of the room, Pukwudgie clapped his hands and plates of roasted turkey and beef, mashed potatoes and gravy and string beans began to float down from the top of the room. 

Trey's mouth flew open again as his plate landed in front of him. He looked over at Miles with excitement. "I think you're going to like it here," said Miles. "No, I love it," said Trey.

The table erupted in laughter as everyone began eating.  Miles looked around at his friends and family, none of which he had a few months ago and he smiled.

The End.

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