A Familiar Face

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Loud knocks came from the adjoining door. Both Trey and Miles woke up and began adjusting their eyes to the bright light coming through the window. Trey eventually drug himself out of bed and over to the door. He opened to see Miss Sweeting fully dressed and ready to go.

"What time is it," Miles groaned.

"It's 9 a.m.," Miss Sweeting said as she made her way past Trey and into the room, "I see you have put everything in the trunk, that's good."

"Yeah but how am I going to get it to the train station, it doesn't have any wheels?" Miles asked eying the large trunk. Miss Sweeting just walked over and pulled the same tag Miles pulled the previous night to make the trunk large. The trunk shrunk back down to the size of a shoebox and Miles eyes doubled in size. Miss Sweeting picked up the trunk and handed it to Trey and instructed him to put it in the backpack and give back to Miles once he was on the train.

She only allowed the boys minutes to freshen up as she seemed to be in a big rush. Outside, Miss Sweeting hailed a cab and Miles excitedly climbed in. Miss Sweeting sat in the middle as Miles wanted to look out the window at all the tall buildings and the people and Trey sat on the other side still contemplating his future.

The taxi made its way through the morning traffic. Miss Sweeting continuously checked her watch. After they had been stopped at a red light for a while, she began to fidget in her seat, even though the GPS screen in the front of the cab read that they were only two minutes away. The traffic inched little by little and Miss Sweeting became more and more fidgety. Miles began to worry.

"Miss Sweeting," he asked, "Are we late?" She ignored him and continued the fidgeting. Miles looked over at Trey, to see if he noticed the odd behavior, but he was acting rather odd himself as he stared out of the window looking angry as possible. Miles didn't know what was going on this morning, but he didn't like it.

They finally arrived at Grand Central Station. The three hopped out the cab and ran towards the main entrance, right before they entered Miss Sweeting stopped.

"Miss Sweeting come on," Miles said as he saw her frozen right at the entrance. She was looking down at her watch, almost as if she was studying it.

"Miss Sweeting you have to tell me how to get to my train?" Miles pled. Miss Sweeting looked up from the watch, worry all over her face.

"Listen to me Miles; I want you to do just as the ticket says okay?" Miss Sweeting told him as she looked around for another cab to hail, "I have to get back home, it's really important."

"But Miss Sweeting" Miles said he saw another cab pull near them. Miss Sweeting hopped in the cab and rolled down the rear window.

"Miles, you'll be fine. Trey, make sure you get him a seat near the other first years; the older kids like to play pranks. Also, I left some money in your backpack for you to get home. Take a train to Meridian and I'll come pick you up. I really have to go now," said Miss Sweeting as the cab sped off. Miles waved until the cab was out of sight. He then turned around to see Trey was still looking angry and seemed to be avoiding looking at Miles.

"Let's go man," Trey said walking into the building. Miles heaved a heavy sigh and followed behind his brother. Once inside, the boys looked around crazily as there were hundreds of people bustling around.

"Where are we supposed to go?" Miles asked as at least a dozen people bumped into him. Trey still seemed to be ignoring him. He began to rummage through his pockets. He pulled out the folded ticket. The ticket was divided into three sections. The left section read CASSIDY, MILES then underneath the name it had Depart From: Grand Central Station and Arrive: Mt. Greylock Wizard's Station. On the right section, it had instructions that read: Hold ticket upright by both of the tabs for directions. In the middle section was blank.

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