Absolute Destiny

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Miles and Javi studied the wand a little longer before they were interrupted by their house advisors to go to the first dinner of the year. "You have to do something about it" Javi whispered to Miles, so that the advisors wouldn't hear. "I know but, what exactly can I do about it?" Miles whispered back, "It's not like I can just not use it." Pent stopped and looked back at the boys, who then smiled back at him trying to appear to be innocent. After a few suspicious seconds, Pent turned back around and continued to lead the boys through the castle.

Miles gripped the pocket of his pants as the wand felt as if it was vibrating. "What's wrong?" asked Javi as they went down a wide set of stairs along with hundreds of other students. "The wand," Miles said, "It's moving." They exchanged worried looks. All of the students reached two large doors the size of houses and there was a pukwudgie standing in front of them. Once all the students had gathered on the steps, the pukwudgie waved his hand at the doors and they slowly opened to reveal the dining hall.

There were seemingly hundreds of round tables, each with eight fancy high back chairs. The students filled the room and ran for seats at the tables. Miles and Javi ran to the closest table to them and took a seat as by now the wand was vibrating rapidly in his pocket. "Hey guys," Drew said sitting down on the side of Miles, "Did you hear? There's a famous kid here. His dad is like a rock star or something?" Miles and Javi exchanged disgusted looks. "We know him...he's our roommate." Miles said holding his hand to his thigh trying to hold the wand still.

As the last of the students were taking their seats, the wind began to change. Then there were flashes of green smoke, then red, then purple, then a few blues and the then finally a single stream of gold. The dust settled to reveal Professor Exeter and the other school professors standing behind a long straight table. The students applauded loudly and the pukwudgies groaned.

"Before we start the first feast, I want to remind you of a few things," Professor Exeter said speaking into his wand which amplified his voice throughout the humongous room, "This is the start of a new year, with new faces and of course new opportunities to learn!" There was mild applause. "But most importantly my dear children," Exeter continued, "remember why you are here. Remember that you are the lucky ones and remember that you have a duty to not only our school, but to yourselves." Exeter raised his wand and said "Bona in aeternum."

As the students clapped, giant silver trays began floating down from the ceiling. The trays of chicken tenders, French fries, cheeseburgers, hotdogs and pizzas landed on by one onto each of the tables. As the last of the trays landed, hundreds of glass goblets floated down from the ceiling. Once they landed on the table, the goblets filled themselves with different liquids. Miles reached out and took a sip out of his goblet. "It's ginger ale," he shouted "just what I wanted." Javi and Drew reached out and tasted their drinks. "Cola," they both shouted. Pent leaned over from his table and told the first years not to get used to that kind of food, that it was only for the first feast, the rest of the meals during the school year are a lot more wholesome.

"What house are you in," Miles asked with a mouth full of French fries. Drew put down each of the cheeseburgers he had in each hand and stretched the top of his sweater to show Miles the embroidered Horned Serpent. "This is awesome, "Miles said eating more fries, "I was worried I'd never see you guys this year, but you're in my house," pointing at Drew, "and you're my roommate," pointing to Javi. The three boys toasted with cheeseburgers and continued to eat away at the junk food just like the other students. The mood at the professor's table however, wasn't so joyous.

"You should have warned them," said Professor Ebony Stewart, a short brown skinned woman with greying dreadlocks, "They have a right to know headmaster." Professor Exeter continued cutting his steak and ignored her. "Fine," Professor Stewart said pushing back her plate, "If you won't...then I have no choice but to." Professor Exeter grabbed Professor Stewart's arm as she went to stand up. "Ebony," said Professor Cervantes, "this is not the time. Let them keep their innocence as long as possible." Professor Stewart shot her a strong look. "Innocence?" said Professor Stewart, "You speak of protecting innocence, while our new MACUSA President is trying to tear this school apart with her new sanctions and regulations. The nerve of that witch!"

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