The Auror's Battle

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"The number is off," Professor Stewart said as she waved her wand over the large crowd of students in the sorting hall, "We're only missing a few... but maybe my counting charm is off." Professor Exeter gave her a strong look and Professor Stewart reluctantly cast the counting charm again. She waved her wand over the crowd and a puff of smoke appeared in the air reading,"1,495."

"Fourteen ninety-five," Professor Stewart said, "I've done this charm four times and it's giving me the same number." Professor Exeter paced back and forth in the front of the room. It was so many students, he could hardly tell them apart. "There are exactly 1500 students enrolled at the school this year, I went over the rosters myself," Professor Exeter protested. Professor Williams stepped over to the worried headmaster.

"It's not like its 100 students missing," Professor Williams said, "Those five kids could have gone ahead to the train station or are hiding somewhere. Either way, we can't stay here and wait and see. MACUSA has that train leaving in one hour whether we're on it or not. We need to get in those carriages and down the mountain or we're all going to be in a world of trouble."

"Andre," Professor Exeter said to Professor Williams, "We can't just leave them." Professor Williams threw up his arms and walked away. "Headmaster," Professor Morse shouted, " This is becoming foolish. The Scourers and MACUSA are going to have the battle of all battles here and I'm not going to sit around and become a casualty. Not again." Professor Morse weaved his way through the crowd and towards the door.

"Fine," Professor Exeter said loudly, "Students, fall behind your House heads and the exit the sorting hall. Keep close ranks." The Pukwudgie students begin to trail Professor Morse as he made his way towards the door. Professor Williams and Cervantes began to herd students behind them as they made their wait to the door. Professor Exeter looked around and he noticed that Professor Oxendine was missing.

"Professors, have you seen Professor Oxendine?"Professor Exeter shouted. The professors all shook their heads no. "I'm sure she's locked in that tower of hers. I'll escort Horned Serpent to the carriages, You go find her and those missing students " Professor Stewart said. Professor Exeter nodded and ran back into the main part of the castle.

Outside of the castle, as the students marched across the grounds towards the main gate,  there were several extremely bright strikes of lightning followed by the most earth-shattering thunder sounds anyone had ever heard. The students all dropped to the ground and began screaming. A heavy rain began pouring from the skies. The swooshing sound of brooms flying overhead at top speed caused Professsor Williams to look around.

Professor Morse ran the best he could over to Professor Williams. "It's starting, " Professor Morse said huffing and puffing, " The auror's have unleashed their storm, to try to keep the Scourers out. We need to get down to the train station now!" Professor Williams nodded and began to motion for students to stand up in the heavy rain.  As the students began shuffling through the now muddy grounds, Professor Williams squinted as he thought he saw something through the sheets of rain. His eyes widen as he finally made out what he saw coming towards them.

"Everybody get back down," Professor Williams shouted. At least two dozen bright red beams of smoke were barreling straight towards the castle. As the red smoke got close to the castle, the lightning from the storm began to strike left and right, hundreds of times a second trying to hit the flying scourers. Professor Morse looked up from his cowering pose and saw the whole sky was now illumined from the constant lightning striking. 

"It has started...the battle has begun," Professor Morse quivered as he felt a horde of student quickly huddle around him for their safety.

Professor Exeter quickly ran up the stairs towards Professor Oxendine's classroom. A loud clap of thunder shook the entire tower and halted the professor in his tracks. He quickly regained his footing and continued marching up the steps. He made it to the door of Professor Oxendine's classroom to find it blown open.

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