Between Brothers

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The Waller Creek Journal decided it would be easier to declare the whole month as record breaking. The daily temperatures continued to rise at least two degrees each day. It was finally Friday and the temperature was reportedly 110. Wanda sat on the couch in the living room in front of a large box fan.

"The devil is the only reason for this type of heat. He is so busy" she said casting a hard glare upon Miles.

A few seconds later, the high pitched horn honking of Ms. Sue Allen in her compact car broke the silence of the house.

"Ms. Allen out there, with her late behind" Wanda scoffed as she rose from the couch, "Boys!"

Miles looked up from the Dragon King and Trey emerged from the nearby hallway.

"Trey, finished fixing that car today and you," she said pointing her finger over Miles' book "stay outta that mailbox, you hear?"

Miles nodded as Wanda withdrew her finger. Another high pitched honk came from outside.

"I'm coming!" Wanda shouted as she grabbed her bags off the couch and headed out the door, but not before giving Trey another strong message.

"Fix. That. Car."

Miles returned to his book as the door slammed. Trey began dragging his feet into the kitchen, going through cabinets in search of food. Miles closed the book as he couldn't hold his questions any longer.

"Why can't I check the mail anymore? And why we are getting so many square envelopes? What is going on? Miles inquired as he slammed down his book and stood to face Trey.

"I don't know man" Trey answered making sure not to make eye contact with Miles.

"Trey, I know you know. I can feel it."

Trey sits Miles down in the chair and then sits across from him.

"Listen, man, it will be a lot easier on you if just forget about those letters. Forget they came and that you ever saw them. It is a lot less painful this way...okay?" said Trey still not making eye contact with Miles.

"I still don't understand" Miles whimpered.

"Some things, you never will." said Trey as he left the table.

Even more discouraged than before, Miles could not finish reading and decided that he should return the book before the library closed for the weekend. He left home and began walking down the dirt road in front of his house. He paused at the mailbox. He stared at it with a heart full of rage but a mind full of curiosity. What was so bad about those letters? He thought. He shook off the thoughts and began his trek towards town.

Trey watched his little brother walk down the road and began to reminisce. He remembered being that young and carefree. He remembered living in a much different place and being much happier. He remembered when their father was still alive and then he remembered when he died. He also remembered soon after, square envelopes addressed to him began to show in the mail. Most sadly of all, he remembered what his mother did to make them stop coming. Trey stops his memories and begins to rub the palm of his right hand. He lifts the hood of the rusty old car and then begins his tinkering. Literally screwing, bolting and tapping away all his bad memories.

Miles finally reached the town, drenched in sweat, and wishing that he had of remembered to take his bike. The usually semi-busy town center was just as empty as it had been all month. Miles walked past the small shops towards the library which sat on the corner. Just as he crossed in front of Garvin's Grocery, he felt a sharp whack in the back of the head. He looked down to see a crush soda can on the sidewalk behind him. His heart sank to the soles of his shoes.

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