5| I Trust You

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Right out the gate, Bellamy held a knife to Cattleya's neck. "Octavia may trust you but I don't. Pull one stunt and I will kill you." He sneered at her face. "And don't act like you don't understand me because I know you do." Cattleya rolled her eyes. Even if she wanted to kill Bellamy, she wouldn't. Her hands were still tied together, and plus, Cattleya gave her word to Octavia. "Which direction do we go in?" Bellamy lowered the knife and allowing Cattleya to study the ground. She was looking for footprints or for any area on the ground that was most disturbed. The leaves to the right of her were squished into the soil. They had to have gone right.

Cattleya began to walk to their right until Bellamy gripped her arm again. What was his problem? Cattleya groaned at him. "That's not how we're going to do things. You're gonna tell me which direction we're going in." Bellamy wanted her to talk. Cattleya had stayed quiet for nearly a whole week and Bellamy was tired of her bullshit. They glared into each others eyes. Cattleya smirked at Bellamy, she was angering him, and she was wasting no ones time but his.

Cattleya nudged her head to the right to tell him which direction to go in. At this point, Bellamy didn't have time for this so he let it go for now. He had bigger things to worry about right now. They stalked off to the right of the woods. Both remained quiet as they followed Murphy's path and nightfall was beginning to approach. Cattleya looked up at the pink and orange sky as she inhaled a breath of fresh air. Being in the Dropship for a week, Cattleya had missed the fresh air and all the colors- "What the hell are you doing?" Bellamy said. "You're tracking what's on the ground, not in the sky."

"Fuck you." Cattleya sneered under her breathe.

"Speak up." Bellamy commanded. Cattleya was done with his attitude.

"Fuck you." Cattleya sneered in his face. Bellamy forced Cattleya to look at him.

"I don't have time for your shit. It's either we find her first or Murphy does and kills her and then I kill you. So find Charlotte." He hissed. Cattleya realized then just how desperate he really was. It was an all too familiar feeling. Maybe Bellamy thought of Charlotte as a sibling. He felt responsibility to protect her. She could at least understand that. Bellamy saw the change of emotion in her eyes as she nodded in understanding.

 Bellamy saw the change of emotion in her eyes as she nodded in understanding

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By the time nightfall came, Cattleya and Bellamy began to hear the rowdy voices of Murphy and his friends.  Cattleya spotted a flicker of light through the trees. "Charlotte! You can't hide forever!" Cattleya and Bellamy turned their head in direction Murphy's voice came from. They're getting closer. "Don't worry, we won't hurt you!" Murphy taunted. Cattleya saw movement in distance.

"Bellamy. There's movement ahead." Bellamy squinted his eyes in the darkness trying to see the figure.

"It's Charlotte." He gasped. Bellamy began to run toward Charlotte with his grip still on Cattleya.

Crossing Boundaries| Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now