15| Repeating History

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Cattleya, Clarke and Finn all turn to the sound of an explosion. "It's from the camp." Finn stated.

"We're too late." Clarke said. Cattleya let the two of them run ahead of her. It was amazing how quickly time had passed. The sun was shining out again but Cattleya had no perception of time anymore. She didn't even know what day it was anymore.

Luckily, they were closer to Skikru's camp than they bought and were able to get there in a couple of minutes. "Wait! Hold your fire! Clarke and Finn!" Miller announced. "Open the gate! Get in!" Cattleya quickly ran in after Clarke and Finn. "Cattleya?"

"Grounder!" Someone shouted and all guns we instantly pointed at her. Cattleya held up her hands in surrender.

"Don't fire!" Miller commanded.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" Finn shouted at everyone.

"She's with us! She helped us escape! Put the guns down!" Clarke said looking for Bellamy for help.

"Put the guns down!" He command as he looked at Cattleya and she looked at him back. Everyone slowly but surely started to lower there guns.

"We heard an explosion? What happened?" Clarke asked.

"Murphy happened." Bellamy answered. Cattleya noticed a faint dark line around his neck. Until her attention was taken away when Jasper came out the Dopship asking for Monty.

"Monty wasn't with us and I didn't see him at the camp." Cattleya told Jasper.

"Clarke, we need to leave, now. All of us do. There's an army of Grounders, unlike anything we've ever seen, coming for us right now. We need to pack what we can and run." Finn announced.

"It's true, Trikru's unit doubled in size last night and they're all coming here, right now, to fight. You need to leave." Cattleya said.

"Like hell we do. We knew this was coming." Bellamy argued back. She hated when he did.

"Bell, we're not prepared." Octavia tried to argue.

"And they're not here yet. We still have time to get ready. Besides, where would we go? Where would we be safer than behind these walls?" He asked.

"There's an ocean to the east. People there will help us."

"I know the leader personally. She will take your people in. You'll be safe. They don't believe in war or fighting." Cattleya stated.

"You guys saw Lincoln." Octavia said.

"You expect us to trust a Grounder?" Cattleya glared at Bellamy. "This is our home now. We built this from nothing with our bare hands! Our dead are buried behind that wall in this ground! Our ground! The Grounders think they can take that away. They think that because we came from the sky, we don't belong here. But they're yet to realize one very important fact: We are on the ground now, and that means we are Grounders!" God, he's so fucking stubborn! They needed to leave and they needed to leave now! Enough of this speech shit!

Clarke managed to persuade her people to leave and everyone started to get a move on packing things. "Where is he?" Octavia asked Cattleya. She handed Octavia her sword.

"Lincoln wanted me to give this back to you." Octavia wanted to ask more questions until Raven cried out for help. Cattleya took out her sword in response. She wouldn't be surprised if they were already near.

Cattleya searched the trees as she heard the buzzing of everyone all around her. "And you! This was your idea too? Aren't you supposed to be some damn warrior?" Bellamy asked.

"I am, but your supplies are low, your people can't fight, and I can't kill every warrior that comes through that gate. Bellamy, I've seen this before. Your people have an option, a way out. I didn't." Cattleya could hear the screams already playing in her ears.

Crossing Boundaries| Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now