9| Murder

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Bellamy stood in front of Cattleya with the poisoned knife in his hand. "Bellamy, no!" Octavia blocked him trying to protect Cattleya the best she could.

"He wants Finn to die, why can't you see that?" He shouted at Octavia before turning to Clarke. "Do you want him to live or not?"

"Clarke, you even said it yourself, this is not who we are! They were protecting me, They saved my life!" Octavia tried to argue.

"We're talking about Finn's life!" Bellamy argued back. Clarke had the final decision. She didn't want to hurt Cattleya, she trusted her. But, Finn was dying, she needed answers.

"Do it." Clarke said. Octavia had practically wrapped herself around Cattleya's body in order to protect her.

"No. Just tell us!" Octavia shouted over her shoulder. Bellamy being much stronger than his stubborn sister, unclenched her from the Grounder and pushed her aside. Bellamy cut through Cattleya's right sleeve leaving a large portion of her forearm free.

"Show us the antidote or you'll wish you had." He warned. Bellamy didn't want to do this and he hoped the Grounder wouldn't let him do it. The Grounder had the antidote. He wouldn't just let Cattleya die, would he?

"Bellamy, no." Octavia begged. "Please!" The Grounder didn't answer. She would be okay, Bellamy said to himself. They would find the antidote and Clarke would heal her. She would be okay.

Bellamy slid the knife down Cattleya's forearm.

Bellamy slid the knife down Cattleya's forearm

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Cattleya felt a slight burn run through her body but she didn't care. She was home with everyone she loved. Her eyes moved from the starry night to the blazing fire in front of her. The fire nearly touched the surface of her skin. Beads of sweat starting to form on her forehead.

The more she watched, the more the fire grew but it never spread. The fire grew up to twice it's size but it had yet to engulf her. Was it wrong that she wanted it to? Cattleya simply stared at the fire entranced by its flames. The Earth beneath her began to shake violently. She remained still watching the fire shake with the Earth, and then, the fire finally engulfed her.

There was no pain. No burning. No anything. Her family was gone. Cattleya was the only one that remained. She was no longer in Locus. This was someplace completely different: Cattleya traveled into space and through the stars. She bumped into moons and held onto planets. Is this where the Sky People are from?

Everything was so beautiful.

Had she died? Or was she in the middle stage like some people talked about? This wasn't Locus but she was content here.

Had she died? Or was she in the middle stage like some people talked about? This wasn't Locus but she was content here

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