12| Broken Trust

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Cattleya spent two more day training everyone and coming up with a plan against Skikru. After, she spent the afternoon teaching Tris to reach Locus, and each evening, she went to help train Octavia then at night, go visit Bellamy.

Cattleya's breathing became rapid as she tried to catch her breath for all the excessive exercise. "Cattleya!" Anya called from the entrance of her tent. Cattleya's stomach dropped at the mention of her name. No not the mention, the tone of how she said it. Had she been caught? Did Anya know she was sneaking off to see Bellamy? She was sure no had seen her?

As calmly as possible, Cattleya stood in front of Anya's desk waiting for her command. "Ever since the explosion the Sky People have caused, our troops have been spotting more Mountain men." She stated. Cattleya let herself take breath of air. She wasn't caught.

"Why would more Mountain Men be roaming?"

"We believe they are searching for the Sky People. We have to start war tomorrow." Cattleya nodded her head. "Tris will lead."

"How'd she take the news?" Cattleya asked.

"With a stern face but her eyes told me she was excited. Your reaction was completely different when you were first asked to lead, remember?" How could she forget? Cattleya was actually two years older than Tris. At fifteen, Ice nation had declared war against Trikru after she and her father had just- "Cattleya, I'm s-"

"It's okay. What's happened, happened." Cattleya left Anya's tent and walked to the stables. She gathered a few nuts in her hand and fed them to Patroclus. Her mind wondered to Bellamy. "Did you know your name is from a famous story?" She playfully told Patroclus as she brushed his fur. "The story is called the um...well, I forgot what it's called and I'm not sure what it's about, but if it has your name in it, it must be a great story."

"Talking to a horse?" Cattleya heard Xerxes say. They haven't talked since she punched him and she honestly didn't care too.

"He has ears, doesn't he?"

"Doesn't mean it's intelligent enough to to understand you."

"Great, now you have something in common with a horse." Cattleya said. Xerxes gripped her hand just as she held a knife to his neck with her other. "Let go of me."

"You're still mad at me over the stupid Sky People." Cattleya remained silent. "I know things about the Sky People, things about the plan you don't even know."

"What makes you think I believe you." She sneered at him. How could he know more than her? What would Anya tell him and not her? A smile grew on Xerxes face.

"You think Anya's been completely honest with you." What the hell was he talking about? "Come." Xerxes let go of her wrist making Cattleya reluctantly lower her dagger. Xerxes walked to the east side of camp where only a few people where permitted.

Two guards moved from their positions as Xerxes approached the entrance with Cattleya following quick behind him. He grabbed a fire stick from its handle before walking down the dark steps of the dungeon.

Cattleya hardly recognized him even with the fire shone on his face. Streams of blood ran down his battered face. His entire body was matted with blood and dirt. Blood seeped out from his fingers; they had ripped his nails out. His clothes were roughly torn from where he was cut and dark rings formed around his eyes. Was this an eye for an eye for what they had done to her and Lincoln? "Murphy?" Cattleya reached out to him but Murphy sank deeper into the dark corner at just the sound of his name.

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