13| A Selfish Act

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Bellamy laid on the cot as dry blood covering his mouth. Octavia, his little sister, taking care of him when it should be the opposite way around. He fought to keep himself awake, scared they would never open again, but it wasn't long before he caved into a deep sleep.

Bellamy believed for a long time it would be just his mother, his little sister and him, until it was all at once ripped away from him. Bellamy wanted nothing more for his little sister and him to reunite and when he was given the chance he took it. But now that he had Octavia again, he still wanted something. He didn't know what was wrong with him. Bellamy allowed the thought to grow, and eventually, letting it trust Cattleya.

Her eyes is what he imagined the sun to look like when he read stories about the sunsets on Earth. She reminded him a lot of the heroes he learned from his mom; she was a real warrior. Everything Bellamy read about heroes, she was. And, she was just so...beautiful it was as if he imagined it all.

When Bellamy woke up, he was quickly reminded of everything she did wrong. All the dying sick people around him. Murphy offered Bellamy water, another person he had once trusted, so he lashed out on Murphy. Clarke came to Murphy's rescue and tended Bellamy. "Don't tell me you trust him now." He said in disbelief.

"Trust? No." Clarke shook her head. "I do believe in second chances, though." Almost, on que, Clarke said what he needed to hear. Bellamy rolled his eyes and told Clarke to gather everyone inside the Dropship. He doesn't believe Jasper and Finn will be able pull off the bomb.

Just as Clarke is helping Bellamy gather their people, an explosion went off in the distance. Within an hour or so, or felt like it, Jasper, Finn and Raven return to camp. Bellamy spent the rest of his day staring at the graves of the people they lost: fourteen bodies in total. Today, they scarred off the Grounder but tomorrow they have other problems to face. Octavia warned him about the Mountain Men, but he was taking one problem at a time.

 Octavia warned him about the Mountain Men, but he was taking one problem at a time

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Anya made Cattleya get checked by Nyko even when she reassured Anya that she was fine. After being proven mostly right (her back being nearly entirely bruised), Anya ordered Cattleya to rest for the night. She would take care of Tris for tonight.

Cattleya should have gone back to her tent but she couldn't bring herself to stay in camp. She needed to talk with Bellamy. Cattleya took an unusual route to reach the Sky People's camp taking longer than usual.

He wasn't in his tent like always. Cattleya sat at the end of his cot waiting for him. It was an eternity waiting in the dark before Bellamy had stepped foot in the tent. "Bellamy." She whispered. Bellamy aimed his gun at her; he didn't need light to know who it was.

Bellamy didn't bother to carry a fire stick in his tent. He thought Cattleya wouldn't come tonight. Not after the bomb. Not after she lied to him. Yet like always with her, he was proven wrong, once again. "Bellamy, please put the gun down." Cattleya said.

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