14| Picking Sides

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Bellamy had tried his best all morning to hide the marks around his neck. He was constantly pulling and tugging at his shirt or adjusting his jacket.

Then he stopped, why did he care? It wouldn't be the first time he had slept with someone. It wouldn't be the first time someone saw him with marks from the night before either, so why did he care now?

Because of the person he got it from. He got it from a Grounder. And from Cattleya of all people. Someone he clearly shown he hated.

He was the first to talk shit about Grounders and now he was the first to have sex with one. He was a fucking hypocrite! Fuck! How could he be so stupid! Letting a Grounder get into his head. That's probably what she was trained to do.

But that wasn't true and he knew it. Cattleya had asked him if he wanted her, if she was told to have sex with him, she wouldn't have asked. Cattleya was an honest person but she was loyal above everything else; she was loyal to her people, even if that meant turning on him.

Bellamy kicked a burned piece of wood. It doesn't matter! It was a one time thing. It's not like he would let it happen again. Bellamy wasn't in his right state of mind last night. He was still getting over the damn virus the Grounders sent over.

Bellamy got back to tent. He had a enough shit to deal with today. Most of the camp's food supply completely burned up after one of the boys put too much wood in the pit, and now, most of his people were out gathering more meat. While he stayed behind and took care of the camp.

He opened the flap to his tent and noticed someone already in. Raven. "What are you doing in here?"

"They don't waste time. I'll give them that. What's it been, a day and a half?" She said pacing in his tent. To be honest, Bellamy couldn't care less about some stupid love drama Raven had going on with Finn and Clarke. He already had to deal with her shit once today.

"Mistaken me for someone who cares. Time to move on." He said starting to show her out until she started taking her clothes off. "What are you doing?"

"Moving on."

"I've never been with anyone but Finn. Take off your clothes." Bellamy only stared at her. In his opinion, Raven was nothing like Cattleya. Raven was very straight-forward, he'd give her that. But Cattleya...well, she fascinated him-shit! No! He needed to get this Grounder out his head. "Fine. I'll go first." Raven started taking off her remaining clothes.

"If you're looking for someone to talk you down, tell you that you're just upset and not thinking straight, I'm not that guy." He needed someone to get her out his head.

"Good." Raven pressed her lips against Bellamy's and he prayed she'd get Cattleya out his head.

" Raven pressed her lips against Bellamy's and he prayed she'd get Cattleya out his head

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Cattleya sat on a branch of a tree that hovered perfectly over the Skikru camp grounds. Anya sent Cattleya and another warrior, Reno, to spy over Skikru and keep track of their movements and weaponry. But Cattleya couldn't help but spy on other things. Bellamy, in specific.

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