7| My Responsibility

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"Don't Grounders have a sense of privacy, bitch!" Roma hissed.

"Shut up." Cattleya dismissed her. Roma tried to fight her but Bellamy held her back.

"Hey! Calm down." He told her. Bellamy turned his attention back to Cattleya. "What are you doing here?" He noticed her lips were a little swollen and had blood on them. "Did you untie the rope with your teeth?" Bellamy will give her this, she was very...adamant.

"Octavia, she's not here. She's not at camp." Cattleya ignored him.

"What are you talking about?"

"Octavia is missing!"

"And you expect me to just believe you?"

"No, but she would've been one of the first to help around camp. Plus, you think she would have let you tie me up without arguing?" A worried expression washed over Bellamy's face.

"I'll check the tents. Go get Clarke." Cattleya nodded in agreement.

Cattleya had to admit, she had gotten lost trying to find Clarke's tent until she had spotted Miller. "Miller!" She called out to him.

"Hey?" He said displeased at the Grounder shouting his name aloud.

"Where's Clarke's tent?" Miller pointed to an orange tent at the other side of the camp. "Why?"

"Octavia's missing. " She stated before jogging over to Clarke's tent.

"Did you tell Bellamy?" Miller asked right behind her.

"He's the one who told me to find Clarke." Cattleya opened the flap to Clarke's tent and found that she was awake. "Clarke, have you seen Octavia?"

"No. It's Octavia. She's probably chasing butterflies."

"Clarke, she missing. She's not at camp."

"Did you tell Bellamy?"

"Yes. He's checking the tents as we speak." Just then, Bellamy appeared by Cattleya's side.

"She's not in any of the tents." He informed them.

"Okay, let's go find her." Clarke stated.

"Thank you." Bellamy said.

"Don't thank me. I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it for Octavia." Clarke corrected him. Bellamy nodded his head understanding as Clarke exited her tent. Bellamy turned to Miller.

"Gather everyone around camp."


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"Hey, everybody, gather around and grab a weapon. My sister's been out there alone for 12 hours. Arm up. We're not coming back without her." All the Sky People went to gather their supplies at Bellamy's command. Cattleya noticed Clarke trying to convince Jasper to stay at camp.

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