11| Mental Over Matter

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It was the middle of the night and Bellamy was just now walking back to his tent. He had to reassure everyone that everything was going to be alright after they had just witnessed the Exodus ship explode. It took a lot of convincing but eventually, everyone went back to their tents.

Bellamy was taking off his gun when he heard a small shuffle near his bed. "Bellamy." He pointed his gun at the voice. Cattleya held up her hands in surrender. "I'm by myself, Bellamy." Cattleya said eyeing the gun in his hands. "Put it down." Bellamy still held his gun up.

"Prove it."

"When have I ever lied to you." She argued.

"Gives them more of a reason to send you." Bellamy argued back.

"My people aren't exactly happy with me right now." Cattleya stated trying to convince him but Bellamy didn't lower his gun.

"Why are you here?" He asked through his teeth.

"I came to warn you about Anya." Cattleya slowly lowered her ams. "She officially declares war on Skikru tomorrow."

"Of course she did. You got what you wanted."

"What I wanted?" Cattleya nearly shouted. "What I wanted was peace. I'm the one who convince Anya to talk to you guys. Your people shot first."

"Did you come here to argue?"

"I came here to warn you."

"Why do you care so much, Cattleya?" Bellamy asked.

"I just-" Cattleya was scarred of answering that question, so she interrupted herself to hand Bellamy the small bag of fruits and sweets she packed. "Here." Bellamy cautiously lowered his gun taking the bag from her hand and looked inside. "I want a truce between you and me." He raised an eyebrow at Cattleya; she looked at him in disbelief. "They're not poisonous, Bellamy."

"Then you eat one." He stated.

"Fine." Cattleya began to reach in the bag but Bellamy pushed her hand away.

"No, I'll pick." He reached in the bag and came out with various fruits. Bellamy placed the fruits in her hand. Cattleya dramatically put the fruits in her mouth before beginning to chew. After she swallowed, Cattleya showed him the inside of her mouth.

"Happy?" He lowered his face to hide the small smirk on his face. "I'll try to help your people as much as I can but you have to trust me."

"I killed you." Bellamy unexpectedly said. "You have no reason to trust me."

"...I know. But, you also brought me back to life." She added. "You didn't have to do that. Why did you?"

"I didn't have an option."

"Yes, you did. I wouldn't be here bothering you if you didn't."A small silence grew as they stared at each other.

"Did you tell your leader I killed you."

"I didn't tell anyone."

"Why didn't you?" Bellamy said.

"Because, I know Anya. She would've asked all of Trikru to come slaughter your people, if she knew. You'd all be dead, but now, you're people have a fighting chance."

"What is it with you and wanting to make peace so much?"

"I don't know...maybe because your people are just trying to survive just like we all are. I've been fighting since I was a kid and I'm tired of it." Cattleya didn't understand why Bellamy kept questioning her. She's done everything she can to try to gain his trust. "But since your so adamant, I could kill you right now."

Crossing Boundaries| Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now