2| They See Us

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The woman's eyes grew wide as she looked at Xerxes in disbelief. He rolled his eyes."You were angry about the deer, right?" The woman looked at the speared boy; she felt sorry for him. The boy didn't know any better, he didn't know about the set boundaries.

"Yes, but I'm not going to kill an innocent boy over ignorance." The woman said. Xerxes ignored her and continued to carry the Sky boy in his arms.

The woman wasn't going to let the boy die, but she knew she needed red leaf so his wound won't get infected. "You and I both know the beast won't want a sick prey, we need red leaf." The woman said. Xerxes stopped walking and considering what she stated.

"Go get the red leaf. I'll burn the flesh." The woman nodded and went to retrieve the red seaweed. The Sky boy grunts rang throughout the forest making the woman move quickly to the stream. The woman ran back to the Sky boy, who Xerxes was tying all four of his limbs to the broken tree. "Careful, there's a trap for the beast." He warned.

The woman could make out the slight set up of the leaves, but the Sky People wouldn't be able to tell the difference. As Xerxes finished tying up the Sky boy, the Tree Woman thought of a plan. She would place herself on the closet tree possible the trap, and as soon at the beast came to view, her dagger will be in its head. She'll make Xerxes busy with the beast, and she'll tell him to take it back to their camp as she took care of the Sky boy. Xerxes will probably want to make sure she actually killed him but she'll come up with another excuse, but really she would take him to a nearby healer. Then, she would make sure the boy was healed enough to go back to his people.

The woman chewed up the red seaweed before smearing some onto the open chest wound, then covered the seaweed with the moss, again. The Sky boy lowly groaned in pain. "You need to leave him alone. The beast will take care of him."

"No. I'm not going to let the beast kill him." Xerxes groaned. The woman was being too sympathetic toward the Sky People.

"Don't be so softhearted." He said. The sound  movement in the distance caught their attention and they hurried up the trees.

The Sky boy began to moan loudly in pain attracting the other Sky People towards him. "Jasper!" The yellow haired girl yelled out towards the injured boy. "Oh my god!"

"Clarke, be careful." The long haired boy warned her, but Clarke continued to walk toward Jasper. Clarke's entire body began to fall into the spike pit until a dark shaggy haired man gripped onto her forearm. The man seemed hesitant whether he would help her up. He wouldn't let her drop, would he? He couldn't do that to his own people?

The long haired boy shouted for the others to help Clarke up. Once they helped her up, their concern went back to Jasper tied up on the tree. They started cutting away at Jasper's bondages as they somehow came to the conclusion, that Xerxes and the woman were capturing them and not food. A few of them tensed up at the thought and hurried to release Jasper from the tree.

The Tree People heard the ruffling of the leaves before the Sky People did. The black beast camouflaged itself under the bushes. The tree woman swiftly but cautiously moved down branch to branch to get to the beast before it could attack any of the Sky People. She hung dangerously low from one of the lower branches; it was the closest to the Sky People. The Tree Woman was great at hunting, she knew how to camouflage herself perfectly against nearly any animal, but she was dealing with both humans and animals.

Crossing Boundaries| Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now