6| Having Value

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Cattleya looked up at the rising sun. The orange sunshine was mixing with the remaining dark sky. "You told me you were going to tell me where we're going." Cattleya stated. Bellamy sighed out in annoyance.

"You're going to help me find the pod."

"The what?"

"The thing that fell from the sky."

"I thought you said-"

"I know what I said." Bellamy snapped. Cattleya didn't understand why Bellamy would lie to Octavia, why he would like to his people. If he was willing to lie to the one person he trusted the most then why should she trust him. Swiftly, Cattleya took her dagger and held it against Bellamy's throat, again.

"You lied to Octavia. Why should I trust you?"

"You won't kill me."

"And why is that?"

"Because killing me would make you lose Octavia's trust."

"Or set me free." She heard the click again and felt it at her stomach. He was right. Cattleya wouldn't kill Bellamy; She respected Octavia enough not to do that and he had his own weapon aimed at her too. Cattleya put down her dagger and placed it back in its hold.

"The river is this way." She groaned marching in the direction of the lake.

The sun was fully out in the sky and neither one had said a word to each other. "What's in this pod that so important?" Cattleya asked.

"Stop asking questions." Bellamy commanded as she still noticed he had his weapon out.

"Then, it must be really important." She jokingly mumbled to herself. A twig snapped in the distance and Cattleya had her dagger ready to throw but Bellamy grabbed onto her forearm. It was Octavia.

"Bellamy! What are you doing?" She asked stomping her way toward the duo.

"Go back to camp. It isn't safe." He said ignoring her previous question.

"You lied to everyone. You lied to me. You just want whatever's in that pod." Octavia then turned to the Grounder. "And Cattleya, you're helping him."

"I'm not helping him. He forced me." Octavia face was turning red with anger and so was Bellamy's. He shoved Octavia back.

"Just go home!" Bellamy shouted at Octavia.

"You always want to play big brother, huh? Well, guess what? Jokes on me. You're just a selfish dick." Octavia sneered. Cattleya got in between the two siblings and pushed them apart. God, is this what it feels like to be a mother?

"Stop. Stop!" Cattleya tried calming the siblings down. "Can someone use their goddamn words?" Bellamy looked between Cattleya and Octavia considering telling them the truth.

"I did this for you, to protect you. If the Ark finds out we're alive, they'll come down. And when they do...I'm dead." He truthfully explained. Octavia scrunched her eyebrows. What did he do?

"What did you do?" Octavia asked.

"I shot him." Bellamy sighed. "I shot Jaha." Octavia's eyes widen. Bellamy went on to explain he had done everything so he could come to Earth to protect her.

Cattleya thought back to her siblings. She knew she would kill for anyone, any day if it meant keeping them safe and alive. Cattleya couldn't blame Bellamy for everything he's done but she can say he was doing it wrong. "I didn't want any of this." Octavia lastly stated before she stomped her way back to camp. Bellamy groaned in frustration and continued his way toward the fallen pod.

Crossing Boundaries| Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now