Were am I

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(Marionette POV)
The world that I saw through my eyes that day was black, lonely and careless. My body felt heavy, hurt and shatter through the pain that I have gone through.The only thing that I'm able to think and recognize is in a world were my Baby, Ballon boy, brights a whole room with that adorable smile of his and his fantastic ideas. Where the Toys have my back in every challenge that we face and know that I have a family I may look up. Finally, where I showed the original Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy that everyone has a special life in them that one day it may disappear but there will be someone there to remember them it didn't matter who they are or where they came from.
I suddenly felt my body burn like if my whole body were to be on fire. I scream but no one would hear me,  I plead and beg but no one would save me where I am. I suddenly hear voices coming every was, they scream and laughter
The last cry of my baby and the others pain brought me to reality once again.
I sat up in a flash as I looked around. I panted hard, gasping as my lungs took in air. My eyes teared up as all of my memories flush in me once again. I thought It was all a nightmare that I would wake up to see Ballon Boy again, but I had to face reality, he was gone. I Covered my face with my slender hand to hid away from what I just encountered.  I do not want to feel pain but can't figure out how to stop it. All these thoughts pass through my head that I didn't seem to recall my surroundings. I then came to realize that this was not Freddy Fazbear Pizza. I looked at all my surroundings but see nothing but darkness and little bits of light coming from a hallway as I adjust eyes  I see light coming out of a head shape. I got a hold of it with my Puppet hands and recognize that it is Chica's head. I place my slender arms around my mouth as I backed up. I hit a certain cube item  hit my back. I turn around slowly. My eyes couldn't take what I saw and just burst. I stood up as my slender hand shook and grab one of a present box  that I use to  be in the children party rooms were they would laugh, play and have the best day of there life. I clear my tears from my mask to look at those same children painting. I then felt a nerve strike through out my whole body. Something about me wasn't right ever since I got to this place. I then took a look at myself and the way I was acting.
No the old marionette would not stay here in the dark and cry and feeling weak and defenseless.My expression went from fearful to tough.
I looked ahead in to the dark alley, now to find my music box in this place , I thought. I'm not that comfortable in my original sate as puppet, it's not me anymore. That's why I feel so down  anD not my usual self, but it will all change as soon as I'm back as a human.
As I left the room, I can feel some one or something watching me. Little did I know that person will change the Puppet I once was.

Welcome back my pirates. This is the second story of The Puppet. Hope you guys are ready for another adventure with her and some others.
Tell me what you think about the first chapter and I'll talk to you guys in the next one.

Ps i do not own the characters nor the pictures or music, just the story I tell


The Puppet 2 [Human! Marionette] In FNAF3 Fan Fiction (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now