Corrupt Soul

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Every footstep that I took towards my destination seems to be calm and very secure on where I was going to. My movements began to slow down, making my gaze look through an empty hallway that leads to a place that I seem to call "home." On the end of the hallway, I could still see the white paper cut out of kids that hung from the ceiling like it use to back in my old location in the pizzeria. In that place, I felt more alive and more love, but in this location, it seems like I can't handle that. It feels sort of um numb or not present in me.

Those small detail of emotion just made me feel more homesick of my old location. Everything I could ever ask for was there in the old pizzeria location. Those memories were neither awful or significant, and they seem to make me stronger or make me have the happiest thoughts. 

I had my small child, BB, that was safe in my arms alongside the old and toy animatronic. While having a space to stay when he was feeling scared or even nervous about the nights at the pizzeria, wither its purple guy or one of the animatronics. Finally, I had a group of friends that I would love to spend my time with and secure a possible future inside the pizzeria. All of these thoughts are just merely a dream that may never come true or worst that may never come back.

With a low sigh, I kept walking slowly, feeling the hallway a bit chilly, yet nothing new came from feeling this sort of way in any location that we are placed upon.  My head slowly made its way to the ground seeing the Chica head that was illuminating light through her eyes. The only light source that was illuminating in this hallway for all I knew.

While observing the Chica's head, my whole body began to lean on the cold, rough wall. It made me wonder what made me stop to look at the head in the first place. There was no reason to, but I seem to be still gazing onto the head, mostly its eyes. Giving out another sigh, my hands finally let go of the head, making my eye look back up. Upon doing that my black cords widened as my eyes and thought would not process what I have just looked upon.

My head shook as a small child was laying on the ground sleeping soundlessly as its breathing seem calm that it made me not want to wake it up. It appears to be a girl with pigtails, a dress, sort socks and flats with her whole attire with bits of ashes like the rest of us that were trapped here though she looked more like a ghost child than a human child.  

Slowly I approached her small figure as her eyes popped open, looking straight into my eyes. 

The child backed up onto the pilled gifts boxes that were from the location that I was from. Wanting not to scare it more, I kept my distance as I proceed to talk to him in a calm voice reassuring that I would not hurt him.

" hey don't worry little one. I am not going to hurt you, ok." 

I was noticing that kids were beginning to appear in this location, but a strange feeling began to connect with about these unknown children. It felt like I knew them in some way, but I couldn't place the pieces together, not yet.

"You... You have to save us ma' dam. We tried to stop him by.... suit... found... out."

My mind was not comprehending her for one sec nor understanding the words that were coming out of her mouth. I slowly moved towards her hugging her in a warm embrace, kissing the top of her head lightly.  The small figure wrapped her hand around me  crying her small ghost tears on my chest. 

" What are you so afraid of little one no one will hurt you ok. Nothing is here to hurt you" My said calmly keeping her close to me.

on the other hand, the girl shook her head looking once more at me with her puffy eyes

" He is back and coming for us and..." she touched my chest as she looked down," he is coming for you too.

my eyes close thinking 

'No he cannot be back not now not never' My mouth open up as I said what was on mind not thinking or being sure of my answer. " little one he is gone he will not come back." 

the little girl shook her head as she looked up once more to look at me " ma' dam do you not remember what happens after Purple guys disassemble Freddy and the gang ?" 

My eyes widen hearing this new information that has never been revealed or even mentions by others. This was a significant clue onto what happens, and how we all got here to the place we call horror.

"Little girl can you explain to me what happen the night you last the purple guy or any information that you have about the other" 

she looked down as she nods as she got comfy on the boxes " It will be a long story miss Puppet"

" Don't worry I can hear all the way through 

Hey my Pirates,

Hope you enjoyed the latest chapter that I took to long to release. Thank you for those of you who waited for the update and continue to support this series. What do you think will happen next with Marionette and the small girl.

If you have any suggestion feel free to leave it in the comment below I would love to hear them or anything you have to say about this chapter.

Thank you once more and talk to you later <3

The Puppet 2 [Human! Marionette] In FNAF3 Fan Fiction (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now