Truth Unkown

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(Marionette POV)

My head peaked over the door as I see Freddy on the cold floor sitting as Chica back was turn to me, she soon looked over at me as her both hands cover the mouth like if Freddy has just said some unspoken words or worse maybe have seen something. My feet processed to step forward as the other followed behind me including Spring Trap, which I would least expect to come but I would not want anyone to leave me out, so he has the right to come along. I was almost to Freddy till my leg felt small hands wrap around them me not wanting me to continue getting closer to Freddy. I looked down as I spot BB holding me back as he closes his eyes small eyes.

For the past few days, BB has been acting quite strange; he seems I don't know more alert about his surroundings of this location. One thing that could be clear is he is more observant of the only Spring Trap. At this point Spring trap, in my eye, he is trustable enough to be around with so I see no problem him seeing what is wrong with my friends and my so BB. 

With a side smile I looked down at BB patted the ginger head slowly " BB it's ok This is not a major problem that you have to be concern about maybe Freddy was having a bad day and is just feeling light-headed because remember Mommies ability to turn ant animatronic human is not permanent. " with a calm voice she reassured the small child as she bent down just a bit to pick up the child. He weighs not much, so it was easy with no struggle to grab hold of him. I Then pass BB to chica as his round large grey eyes looked back at me for some explanation. 

" Chica takes BB to my resting place, so he doesn't have to see or hear what we will be talking about. Don't worry Chica I will inform you all the information that we have to gather, For now you take BB " I said in a calm tone as I go over to kiss BB head as I place my hand on his soft burn cheek " Don't worry love mommy will be there soon ok be good with Chica BB" there was nor respond as he lay his head on chica shoulder placing his small hands around her neck. Chica nod as she walked away from the hallway that currently Freddy, Mangle, Foxy Spring trap and I have presently in. 

With a sigh, I looked at Freddy as I got closer to him slowly as I stood next to him and decided to sit next to him. 

" Freddy you know that if you don't want to you don't have to use what you experience or what happen to you we-" I was saying my words in a calmly matter till his hand took hold of mine as he looked me with his widen eye as he just stared at me in fear. He soon gulped hard as he began to speak 

" Rember that when you first woke up to this location, that um we said that we have no clue about what might happen to us since our appearance  are um you know burn, well I don't have a clear answer, but one thing I do know is that this is not our second location" he said as he took a deep breath as he looked the opposite direction were there was no animatronic but the hallway. I held his hand as he kept speaking with fear.

" For me, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy and it can be our the third location. You might think I am crazy, but as I was walking towards this hallway, I felt strange. Like I was losing my vision, my body was feeling heavy, and I thought that this was the last time I would get to talk to you guys, but it turns that the feeling that I was going through was actually more like a vision or a lost memory that I guess my body is trying to recover. " He looked down as he kept his voice in a more serious yet calm voice " My mind was showing me a small location that had one party room with a few tables with colorful hats of different colors on them. When I looked down, I was in a small stage next to well  Chica, and Bonnie as what seem to be my bandmates and Foxy I guess seemed to be in his small stage. That's not the point, the point is that I saw this Purple shade waking around this location, and knowing myself I decided to follow the figure to see where it would lead me, and you would never guess were we landed" Freddy began to chuckle as he ran his hands through his brown hair looking down. I looked to my side as I see that Spring trap seem to be unease when the word ' purple' is mention in the picture. Fredy continued as he looked up  "There was this room where I guess It was not like the others since it seems more hiddden, or I don't know an employee room or just a plain room. I wanted to leave the room but as it turns out my head was struck with some hard object and all I can see and hear that sinister laughter of none other than the purple guy himself. "

My eyes widen as I thought our journey would finally end with him, but as it seems, he always follow us or worse he is there when any of use lease expect it. I looked back at Freedy as I try to calm him down as I tell him " Freddy why don't you hang out with Foxy and Mangle while I deal something or figure something that just came up" He nods as he stood up making Foxy walk to his side helping him out making Freddy lean on him

" Buddy lets lay you down on the arcade room where you tend to play with BB, " Fox said as he exited but not before he comes near me. He looks at me with his yellow eyes " If anything comes up love you call me" Ina rush he kissed my cheek fast as he left making my pale skin in a tinted red. 

I shook my head in a slow motion making my face turn to the bunny that was left on the wall looked down. If I were one of the other animatronic I would say he is ok but as the puppet, Like I no one could see others feeling or strange actions like I can. Taking small steps, I made my way to Spring trap who seem out of thought. Slowly I taped his shoulder as he faced me as he looked down once more.

" Oh hey, Puppet what is up " He hid his reaction to the word "purple "  with a smile as he speaks to me. 

I sigh as I kept my eye vison on him " Spring trap be honest with me, why does the color purple make you so unease" I asked as I can hear him chuckled looking at me

" So you saw me, but I assure its nothing to worry about ' he kept looking down as he rubs his hands through his muster color haired. 

" Well yeah should not worry but If I were of the other member then I would find that suspicious, and I am afraid about those kind of people keeping secret " she looked down as she thought about Golden Freddy, he was the only one she could trust of him with her life but in the end was in the Purple guys team.

" Well if I tell you to promise me not to tell anyone until I am ready and figure it out for myself as well," He said finally letting me see his grey eyes, " You see I have had some strange dreams with a similar person with purple shade, someone you guys call Purple Guy."

My eyes widen once more as I looked at him " Not you too." 

The Puppet 2 [Human! Marionette] In FNAF3 Fan Fiction (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now