The story untold

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(Marionette Pov)

The little girls looked down as she got a bit comfy on the white boxes allied on the wall. Her hands began to be connect twirling with each other while she tried to gather her thoughts together lookng around the hallway. Soon she looked back up towards me giving me a reassuring nod as she took one last deep breath before beginning her story.

" well Miss Puppet I don't remember all the details since my mind is a bit fuzzy but I could recall the information that you would like to hear and seek." She mentions adding one more thing  "One thing I can tell you miss Puppet is that your physical self is not present in the last location that the others were in. It only seems to be four of the animotronic" 

Marionette sigh hearing this information, but she knew that all she needs to know is what truly happens. She was in this location for a reason or else why would she be present. Looking back at the girl she gave her a side smile.

"Thank you for letting me know, even if I am not present I would like to know why my friends are here in this location and why am I here," Marionette said as she sat on the ground looking up onto the girl wanting to discover the answers that they all were missing. If this girl was the only way to learn how to be free than it is worth a shot listening to her. 

" One thing I can remember is waking up in one of the animatronics body. My eyes roamed around the suit seeing I was not a child but the robot I was placed into. I think it was the duck no its a chicken, but my soul or presence was inside, sort of like a trap. The suit began to move on its own onto a location that seems to be distant from the stage where the suit, or I, was originally on. After that, I have no memory of where I was but the only thing I do remember was feeling the robot being knocked down to the ground and being hit multiple times on my back. All I could feel was lots of pain and looking up at the person who hit me. The only thing I remember from them was Seeing those dark soulless yellow eyes that are still implanted in my mind."

Marionette began making her eyes widen hearing the words of the small ghost girl repeat in her mind. 

" wait I have heard this before could it be that-" she stooped her thought as another thought began to roam around her head '

No Marionette keep it together those eyes are not the person you are thinking of. What if it is just a coincidence? Yeah just a coincidence Marionette'

Before she could finish she began to remind her of Freddy experience in the hallway not so long ago. Freddy did mention that he too felt that it was not there in the second location he was in. Though he did remember the feeling of him being hit multiple times on the back of his head. Most of all Freddy did mention it was Purple guy who has done this.

"um little girl just wondering but do you remember if the person who did this to you had a particular color around them beside the color of his eyes," marionette asked wondering if it was the same person that's been haunting them for such a long time since the second location.

The small ghost girl crosses her hands as she thought trying to remember a sort of clue that she had suggested. She soon looked at me as she took a deep breath.

" now that you mention it the only colors that I could remember are the colors yellow of the eyes and the color purple on his body. Is that helpful? Sorry if that wasn't"

Marionette froze holding her breath as her vision slowly made its way looking on the checkered pattern floor she was familiar with. 

'No, not that color, from all the colors it has to be purple. It must be him'

She despises and hates the color that represents a killer that has a heart cold and hard as a rock. Marionette looked back at the child not wanting to pressure her to remember more about the horrific event.

"that's enough for now, Thank you very much" looking back at the hallway she sighs standing up trying her best to give the girl a genuine smile but all she could show was a side smile. " If you would like there are some people I would love you to meet. Only if you like no pressure though"

The small girl nod hoping off of the white boxes running over to Marionette holding her hand in a tight matter

" I would love to"

(Spring Trap)

'My mind felt great under the presence of this so calls Purple guy. He seems to have a great devotion to his thoughts and plans that are going on in his mind.' 

Springtrap thought as his eye no longer has a curiosity look on them but rather a sinister one that consists of evil and betrayal. His mind was no longer scared nor an afraid little animatronic that had no purpose in the attraction. Now the thoughts that ran through his mind were power and elimination just like Purple Guy.

With a dull look on his face, his body began to drag him through the dark hallway that he was familiar with through the constant night in the attraction. With his fingertips, he began to touch the wall walking down humming random tunes that would pop up in his mind. Spring trap seems to have control of himself but the more he walked through the hallway of the attraction the more he was being consumed by Purple guy losing a bit of himself in the process.

His journey soon came to an end seeing the office lights come into view from the darkness of the hallway. Looking from left to right he examines the office once more with cautious making sure no one was there to see him. His gaze caught its eyes onto a medium size mirror located on the end of the back of the office with a bit of dust on it. Making his way over he examines the mirror taking a look at his body once more.

 His eyes were no longer a grey light color but a dull dark grey color that reflex darkness and pain.

Spring Trap I am glad you are a human version of yourself. It can give me a chance to have a human body once more, and it tells me who is in this location. Seeing myself, I Know the Puppet is here.

With Purple guy last words, he consumes Spring Trap in his mind making himself in control of his body and his mind.

"Now let us go say hi to the others here and a warm welcome to the Puppet."

Hey my Pirates,

Hope you enjoyed the latest chapter that I wrote for the story. Thank you for those of you who continue to support this series and are still enjoying the story as it progresses. What do you think will happen next with SpringTrap? Do you believe Purple guy will get discover or who will figure him out first?

If you have any suggestion feel free to leave it in the comment below I would love to hear them or anything you have to say about this chapter.

Thank you once more and talk to you later <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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The Puppet 2 [Human! Marionette] In FNAF3 Fan Fiction (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now