The new guy

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I do not own the picture or the characters respect to the rightful owner and I couldn't find who did this amazing drawing so I couldn't give the credit sorry 😭
(??? POV)
Every single day it is the same thing here in this place. The night guard enters, takes care of this location, the ghost things ends up scaring him making him panic, finally I end him poor little life and there cycle begins again all over again. This place, this dark lonely place make me feel lonely. There is no one to talk to besides the ghost that help me kill the night guar, but not even them would want to speak. They only come to kill the security guard that's all. I don't even remember who am I or where did I come from  but all I feel is pain and lots of anger. I hope one day I can be free from this place.

One day I was walking around this place for the second time when I notice something was off. I heard someone or something breathe. At first I ignored it since I'm the only one here, but then I hear those same cry coiled with hiccups as it was crying. A little bit of inside hope it was another animatronic. like me. I ran towards the office to venture myself to the entrance of this dark place through the vents. As I got out of the cramp vents to faced up to see a slender puppet with black and white stripes in her arms and legs. She clears her mask from tears and starts to walk away to the next hallway. I knew that last week we had a Puppet come in but I didn't know it actually knew or was even alive. I had curiosity get to me and I started following it. This Puppet was going around looking for something I can follow you so she stopped in a particular room. I love the room she stopped and it's one of my favorite spots to go when I just feel lonely. I call it the game room. From a distance I just watch as she lays her eyes on a particular little box on the floor. The box has a little Handel you can spin to makes a tune but it didn't make any toon.I knew that box came with it when they brought the Puppet in but it got me mad because I get the box when I feel lonely just listening it to it mechanics even if it doesn't have sound, it's special to me. Suddenly as the Puppet turns and twist the handle it makes a beautiful lovely tune not only that it turn slender hand to real life human hands. Suddenly all her body was completely turn to a human as her Black hair went up to her shoulders and she held a mask over her face. She lift over her mask you can see a pale face with two pink cheeks circles. As soon as she look over herself she smiled and giggled I guess somewhere in some other time this person or a fact this girl was part human. She hugged a little box and decided to keep it  but before she can take it I accidentally kicked a piece of metal and she turned around in a flash. She's looked over but had no word she couldn't see what it was or who I would instead she ran the opposite direction she came from. She would get lost and end up anywhere but mostly she would end up in the security office. I would have followed her but now is not the time instead I went back to the vents and stay there till she calm down and meet her soon as the night hits.

Hey there my pirates,
what do you guys think of this chapter also I would  want to tell you that I'm using the same photo of the marionette as I use in the last book if you think I should changing tell me if not then it's ok also what do you think this mysterious person is?
Thank you for the support and I'll talk to you guys all later

The Puppet 2 [Human! Marionette] In FNAF3 Fan Fiction (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now