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Art by : TheHobbyHorse
Sorry for not posting in a while but now I'm back and I hope that you guys are continuing to like this story even if my updates are slow. If you have an idea you want you want to add yo the storyline feel free to comment it. Also thanks for all the support that you all been giving me  and I know I have not done a very good job as an Arthur but I will try harder. I will stop talking and let u go on with the story
Thx my pirates
Marionette POV
He sat on the old spinning chair as I grabbed my music box that lay on the ground. He seem to not move as I though he would. To me my first impression about him was that he being controlled by an evil spirt like the children but all he seems is that he has never seen another animatronic or rather another living person after closing hours of this lonely dark place. I wouldn't be able to imagine myself being here with no one but me, that would drive me insane though I can't believe how he is not insane yet. I walked towards his way with this box that it so many times help others with coming back to life. On my way there I could have sworn that this animatronic and I were not alone, by the little whisper I would hear behind my head. Before I could began I almost forgot that I must keep him down or else I will be hurt like the last time I help a new animatronic. I grab a few large pice of what seen like rope and began to go toward his hands. He notice what I was planning, and screech at me with anger.
" Hey sorry didn't mean to get you upset or anything but I need to tie you so you would feel the least amount of pain as possible. Trust me the processes is a bit hurtful but it will end soon once I fix you up as I promise."
All he did was nod at me as I continue the same process I was to familiar with. I guess he has never been this close contact with a human by the way he was stiff his metallic body. One thing I did notice about  his body is he was really damage and beyond repair. I could see through the metal what seem to look like rotten flesh inside making it seem he was wearable were ever he came from.Once I was finish I grab the music and heard the familiar tune that I miss and enjoy so dearly. Those noises mix with the screech he kept letting out, for me it is painless but for then it's like going through hell it self.
His transformation was rather odd, rather than seeing a bright light I saw a red light loom out of his body. I close my eye for a sec to cover the brightness it reflected. Once my eyes opened up it came in content with a pair of yellow eyes. Soon my eyes roam his feature like the bunny ears but one seem broken with wire sticking out while the other fully intact. He had blond hair with yellow eyes, his moth on the side seem to to be separated but at the same type look normal to me. His hands were bit more robotic type while wearing a dressing white shirt and black dressing pants with a yellow coat clothing ( sorry don't know what's it called)a type of string tie. I could see that he was still not believing what was in front of him. He open his mouth wanting to speak but close it right after.He looked at the ground unsure with what he wanted to say. I giggled making him face me with a questionable look. He is to pure for his human transformation.
"Really? You're leaving me hanging after I helped you out. Here lets start fresh my name is marionette I'm the Puppet and what would yours be"
He let out a breath of air and finally spoke "Your right my bad thanks, my name is Springtrap the bunny it's a pleasure to meet you"
I had so many question for SpringTrap about were I was or who he was that I didn't notice he gave me a hug. It was unexpected but warm overcame it. I hugged him back but as I close my eyes I see foxy as in a ghost but looked all burn. As I blink a couple of few times he was gone. I let go to see him looking at the direction I just saw foxy.
"Everything ok " he looked me worried
"Yeah I just felt that there was a ghost there but problems no one right? I guess I'm still getting use to this creepy atmosphere "
He looked over to me and laugh. I couldn't understand what was hilarious about my comment.
"No it's ok the ghost are real but no need to worry about them. the ghost things don't socialize a lot. So if you see them just try to ignore them"
It's been forever since I heard someone sound so joyful, I bet he was in pain not being able to express its pain for as long as he was in that form. I just took notice on what he committed about the "ghost being real". Does this mean that could have possibly been foxy?
So why do we ignore the ghost? Do they have negative vibes or something?"
He nodded his head" they don't socialize very often they usually just scare the crap out of the night guard and they leave"
I then hear a loud sound coming through the small clock on the table, striking 12:00 pm. My body and spring trap suddenly transformed back to its original state as a black and white Puppet and Spring Trap into a disinter gratitude yellow bunny. He gave me a questionable look confused by the state we were in. I giggled a little," sorry not to mention this before but we are in our humans form after the night guard dies so good luck " as I walk out I feel a burning sensation that I'm being watch. I really don't know where I am or what I'm going to do but one thing is sure, I will try to uncover the truth with my new bunny companion.

The Puppet 2 [Human! Marionette] In FNAF3 Fan Fiction (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now