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(Mangle POV )
Through the sound of the quiet hallways or section in this horror attraction, I decided to sit back in the arcade room and think about something that has been flowing through my mind. For example, why is my soul and body in this " Horror Attraction " but none of my fellow Toys are with me? With a loud sigh, I looked at BB sleeping soundlessly on the floor watching as innocent as ever. He looked at peace and free when he is not awake to experience the horror of this place. As  I was about to head to rest for the day my body was telling me that something was not right. My body felt like it wanted me to walk to another location not to rest. 

I began to close my golden eyes as I let my spirit body lead the way of this unknown location or place it wanted me to adventure. My eyes soon opened slowly to feel a bit of wind form the small fan that was located on the small desk. She was at the security guard office once more. She rolled her eye inspecting the rooms for any cues that her body was demonstrating to her. She sighs as she felt nothing of importance in the office. Her eye soon lands on the small box that was in the corner of the office looking new yet withered from the little dark brown corners. She sighs as she stepped out to the dark hallway was she knew reasonably well. It seemed quite the same, but the hallway was a bit darker having an unsettling feeling to it. The small light flickered making the hallway light but revert to the darkness in seconds.

Mangle wanted to turn her body towards the other direction ignoring the hallways mysteriousness yet her mind and body wanted her to keep on the path not leaving this small journey unattended. With a deep breath, her body slowly made its way to the hallways not seeing anything in sight. Her yellow eyes roam the area inch by inch observing every detail that may be valid. She soon stops as her foot kicked something unusual or somewhat familiar. Her eyes began to roam the black and white tiled floor seeing the person she least expected. 

Freddy Fazbear. 

She got closer to the body as she rushed over to it seeing that he was limp like an unliving object. Her eyes began to widen viewing that he was indeed not moving.
" Freddy hey wake up stop playing around there is no time for games come on, " she said she saw no response.
She was terrified as she looked around
" Marionette! Chica! Foxy! Anyone" she yelled she kept an eye on Freddy just in case Anything happens to him.

Soon mangle saw the wild jerking in Freddy as she fell backward looking at him in a terrifying gaze. Soon his body stopped as he began to cough wildly. With a slow yet calm movement, she got closer to him as one of her hands rubbed his back while the other took hold of his shaky hands as it trembled in a fast motion. She could feel his heart speed up as his vision began to scan the room like if he were lost or believe something was there.

"Freddy is everything ok, do you need me to bring the others I can go get them" Mangle ask as she looked at him but not a peep came out of his mouth. All I can hear was the beating of his heart pounding against his chest and his breathing speeding up but slowly came to a normal paste. As soon as  was about to leave, I felt my hand being pulled back a bit as Freddy looked down holding onto me

" Please don't leave, I don't want to be left alone please just scream for them but don't leave me" Freddy kept repeating. Sincerely I have not seen Freddy freak out like that ever since Marionette was dead and he thought it was his fault. I nod as I looked him shiver not wanting to move. Whatever he experience might have scarred him for a bit but I feel that he will be a but quiet till he is ready to talk about for now I guess we will have to give him his space. I took a deep breath as I looked back up at the hallway. A dark shadow began to appear near the entrance of the security, it seems like a large shadow but looking at it a bit closer it looked like a kid. The only kid that is here is Bal-

" BB Can you hear me, I need your help With something" I kept my eye on the shadow as Ballon boy head peaked through the door seeing his ginger hair and his dark sparkly eye. His body slowly emerges to the hallway making him look like one of the kids that Purple guy took the life of.'MANGLE WHAT ARE YOU THINKING BB WILL BE SAFE IF MARIONETTE WOULD HEAR YOU SHE WILL TAKE THE LIFE AWAY FROM YOU NOT THE PURPLE DUDE' I told myself as I shook looked at BB once more. His hands were on the front holding what seems to be a red bow that appears to be part of Bonnie.

" Hey, BB can you please call marionette and tell her that we need Her help, it's an emergency please" BB nod as he let in a hurry as his little feet hitting the floor was the last thing I heard as his movement could be heard lesser and lesser. My eye looked back at Freddy as he finally looked at me with his blue eye. His mouth moved as it sounded more of a muffle more than a sound, but he kept saying something

"Hey Freddy can you please say that a bit louder I couldn't understand a word that you were saying " 

Freddy looked at me once more as gulping hard before his mouth began to move again " I saw Him, Mangle. He- he was in a room.... a wall um a room that I then" Freddy looked down as the last words were something I did not want to remember. Why of all the people he has to be him. 

" Freddy please don't say that the Him is Purple Guy " I looked at him as his head shook as I cover my mouth with my hands from keeping me from gasping. I looked over the hallway as I heard multiple footsteps coming this way as Fredy stood up. Soon the body that appears first was none other than the lovely Puppet girl herself Marionette.

Hey my Pirates,

Hope you enjoyed the latest chapter that I have release today and as well continue to support this series that I know I  lag a bit but I still want to devote my time to so sorry if I lag a bit, but those who are still reading it thank you.

If you have any suggestion feel free to leave it in the comment below.

Thank you once more and talk to you later <3

The Puppet 2 [Human! Marionette] In FNAF3 Fan Fiction (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now