I found you

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(Marionette POV)
I walked around the next afternoon after Spring Trap small transformation caught myself. I really don't understand how a soul like his is in a place where all you get is suffering with out rest. If my mystical miracle of creation of life were to free, those who have the fate of suffering, then on that horrific day the innocent children were murder I would have cuddle them with a shield of love and escort them with me to a safer place where no one would ever place a hand upon them.
Having my head in the cloud, I have arrived at my home sweet home where I will spend most of my days. I observed my surroundings noticing how this is organized like the prize corner where I use to live in the old location. The present boxes with white shade paper and bright colorful ribbons. I sat on one of the presents boxes while leaning back on another. With a sigh, I peeked to my left and turned my whole face to the wall. Upon the wall was hung up drawing that seems to be cooler by children. I inspect it a bit more seeing BB with a few balloons we use to make so the children would show a smile on their face. Next, to it I see my once crush with a purple shade that would reflect off of his clothes as his ears tickled and poke me every time we would embrace in a hug. My Bonnie the bunny. I giggle remembering how silly he would be but very protective of BB and me. On the back of him, I notice another drawing hanging from the side. I slowly pulled it with slow motion to reveal a drawing of me. I observe all the shape and color it portrayed in this small drawing. This drawing reminds me of the day I first opened my eye. To discover a whole new world that awaits me.
Flash back
My mind was on but all I observed was black. All my surroundings were black nothing but new sound would be heard by my surroundings. I see a bright light shine through the blackness I observed. I then looked directly in front revealing a small structure with beautiful small figurines of animals with special detail. There were balloons to my left and on the side of me with lots of colors that on the inside made me feel weird. I have never felt this way all of this is new to me. With curiosity, I was turning my round Puppet head to a curious looking machine spinning with animals attached to it. There were many things hanging on the ceiling but as well had what seem to be like a statue holding balloons. I stared at it for a bit, then its small round hard spun to my direction. He places a smile on his face handing out balloons right in front of him. We stare each other a bit not wanting to lose each other. I finally looked away but a flash hit my eyes giving me an illusion of seeing blood spilled and a blur of yellow. I shook my head as the illusion went away.
Later that day when no sound came from hall nor lights illuminated me I see the small statue in front of me as I began to rise from the box. He stood there staring at me not wanting to separate from me. Finally, I feel his cold metal hands wrap my slim black Puppet body. My slim hand rises up not knowing whether to wrap my arms around him or not do anything at all. But the weird feeling hit me and the rest of my body. I quickly wrap my arms on this small stature as he snuggles more on my body. We stayed a bit in our position till I unhook my arms from him and place my hand on his face asking him
"What's your name" with the sweetest response and sweet voice all you hear...
" Balloon boy"
He smiled. Apparently, he knew my name but at that time I did not mind all I mind is the weird feeling I had is protecting this statue with my life.
~~End Flash Back ~~
I smiled placing the drawing in its original space. Looking a bit more with the limited light sources I was given I see a strange looking bump on the wall. I started a bit for quite a while. I climbed off of the boxes which held my position. Walking towards my right with these dim light I spot a structure who's head seems to be white once with an opening similar to my original form. I inspect it a bit more to figure out that's me. Wow, who would have thought they were able to make a structure just dedicate to a simple Puppet.
It sort of amazes me but as well as terrified me, who would commemorate a being such as I. All I did was gave out small prizes to the children who were enlightened by the toy they receive. I guess children enjoy my presence, I giggled. All these memories return as a smile perked upon my cheek.
Suddenly a noise of metal falling was heard at the end of the hallway. My head rapidly turned to find the source of who made it. I walked slowly through the dark dimmed hallway in which Spring trap always travels. I looked over the corner to see the same dark hallway in which me and sprung gaze at each other.  I turned around not finding anything at all. I sigh,
" marionette chill out. this is the place where only Spring Trap and-"
I looked up to see beautiful little kid. I didn't know who this child was but once our eyes met it ran through the hallway in which lead to the next room of this place. It seems he was afraid like if I was going to tackle or possibly hurt him I couldn't believe it. I then ran through the dim hall way wanting to see this child. I turn in a rapid speed around the corner into the next.
I was about to fully go inside the game room when I heard an Angelic voice.I thought I would never hear again. My breath got uneasy and I stood out side the room hearing him. My sweet baby BB, my sweet baby boy, I could hear his small cries that echo through the tiny game room.
My breathing got unsteady with out any movement I stood there not knowing whether to go confront my child or it's an illusion that my mind has created. Then I heard his little voice speaking with a familiar voice.
"BB what is up with you lately. You have been crying and talking in your sleep as well become more observant with your surrounding. When have been here for quite a while and you never acted like this. What's going on"
" I saw her Chica. You have to believe me, I saw my mommy Marionette. Have you not notice why we are human form. This only happens when she is around like in the last place when she - she .." I could hear him begin to hiccup but continue to explain his story.
" d-died the next few days we stayed in our robot and we never discover why. Do you think this a coincidence? No mommy is here I could feel it."
I took a deep breath and decided to approach both Chica and BB. I entered the room to see Chica's back of her hair. Her yellow locks were more mustard combine with black ashes as well as her yellow dress no longer gave that spark but seem to look ashy looking to asher if she was burned. Same for my Baby Balloon boy his usual blue and red color did not seem as bright, now they illuminated with darkness making it seem he was dirty. His whole body seems that way, as well as his once soft face now, had a few dirty spots. His once blue eyes were now black with the pupil illuminating white.
I see him clear up his eyes and looked to his right. His small eyes widen, not moving in his position, his chest rises up and down. I could see he was debating whether if I'm an illusion or his mommy has finally found him. I could hear Chica consulting him thinking he is acting weird once again.
She hadn't noticed my presence nor seem to see was BB was looking. Tears began to trickle down my cheek, I then crouch down opening my arms to my sweet heart. He began to cry while pushing Chica out of the way running towards me. My surroundings blur only feeling BB small body against my body. His small hands held onto my neck tightly, his head laid on my shoulder while his tears fell on my neck sobbing not letting me go. I rub my head onto his and place my hand on his body and the other on his head not wanting to separate. I stood up still hearing his sobs and hiccups. I finally open my eyes and observe Chica in a state of shock. I only smile and whisper "Hi Chica Nice to see you again"
She placed her hand over her mouth as tears trickle down her cheek she covered her mouth for herself so her sobs won't. Be heard. Her knees weakened falling to the ground as she began to cry.

Hey, there my pirates it's so good to be back to writing the story and I know that I've not been updating well that's because I have been busy and had no ideas but that's  no excuse to not at least write a chapter for you guys. I hope you guys love this chapter and thank you for supporting it for those of you who have read my first book as well if you are new thank you. I will try I know, I know I say that and I really don't commit to it but this time I want to try and I want to get better in writing the story. Thank you for supporting me through the story I can't thank you enough.
Until next time 🦊🖤

The Puppet 2 [Human! Marionette] In FNAF3 Fan Fiction (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now