Memories or Reality

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(Freddy Fazbear POV)

Being in this place seems so wrong yet right in a way. In this place, I feel I can rest at ease with nothing evil that may be able to interfere during our stay here. Though there is one thing that may have caught my attention from the stay here in this horror attraction. I notice that when security guard comes along, they seem to not fear us as a ghost by more like we are a hallucination that brings ones bad memories.

My mind began to question " are we really alive or are we just a hallucination that we ourself have to develop?" With a shrug not placing any more thought into my silly head of mine, maybe I was just overthinking things. I am still here to live another day in horror.
I decided to go visit BB at the arcade room one he dearly loves to go for the sweet home feeling he gets being there. Lately, there has been quite a time where he has been acting sort of strange towards SpringTrap for an unknown reason.

Just a few days ago I see his small innocent face turned wicked as he departed from the security office that he was once in. His face showed an expression of fear yet filled with the pure essence of evil. Thru a small glass of a hallway, SpringTrap stood there, looking out at nothing. I looked out to the same hall that BB wanting to discover what BB wants or what is his plan. With evey step I heard nothing and decided not venture any longer.

Today I decided to raom once more this loaction the same way that BB went when he confronted SpringTrap who knows what. The hallway seems dark with a few tone down lights that were functioning and some that seems to flicker numerous times uet still had there glow when one would walk around this " Attraction". The small adventure that I was currently one seemed fine, till my body began to feel quite heavy, like a huge rock that was weighing me down from walking any further. The vision in my blue eyes began to slowly loses its focus on the hallway that was in front of me. My heart rate began to rise slowly by the fear that surrounded my body. My mind began to replay the imagine of Marionette on the cold floor of the restaurant slowly beginning to lose her life as her bodu soon went from alive to lifeless.
My body leaned on the wall for a few  support, to keep me going on. I open my mouth to try to cry for help or just for someone to hear my plead. Put no sound came out in fact my mouth would not open. My fear soon grew as with best attempts keep me trying. With no luck in anything that i have done I began to accept that this was the end. I was going to die here alone but would it be worth it, no more pain? Finally at peace?
Soon my blue eyes began to close itself as the only image that plaster on my mind was the Freddy gang and the toys. All I saw was darkness, coldness and minor sounds from my surrounding.

My eyes open up to a location that was not one I recognize, it seem to be a small location with dark color all around and a few tables with a few white sheet and with small party hats with different colors. This seems to be a different pizzeria then one we have been established or even encounter.
My mind wanted to explore the surrounding to see what was going on but my body seemed stiff in a way i was glue to the ground. My eyes roams the downwards as I see myslef in my brown bear animitronic suit one I was to familir. Something caught my attention as the cornor of my eye I was able to see Bonnie on my left Chica to my right.
With a sudden motion my arms and legs moved so calmly and in an instant I was able to move around this strange place.
The place I was standing was on a small stage with a large lighting of purple,pink, blue, and yellow. It seem quite nice, small but peaceful. He began to get off the stage having an observation of the room a bit more. It was smaller in size but as long as the kids have fun its ok. He smiled as a strange purple figure passed in yhe cornor of his eye. He faced as it disappear to the left to what seem like a hallway. His mind told him not to follow but his body did the complete opposite.
With slow but fast paste he began to go through dark hallway seeing the purple figure give a turn in a different direction. His paste was sped up as he tried to catch it. He soon landed in what seem to be the security guard office. One he was quite familiar to the other he has been. The same small white fan, with the messy desk and small computer system. There were other pictures of children drawing hanging form the wall. His eyes raom the small security room till a poster with the words " CELEBRATE"  with Bonnie and chica on his side. He checked the camara to see what places was available to explore. It seems pretty small nothing beyond the bathroom or the stage except the small " repair room" or so what he wanted to call it.
He shook his head as he continue his mission following the purple shadow. He continue till the shadow enter a room near a purple curtain called " Pirate Cove" he passed it as he might check it out later. He soon headed towards the original stage as he looked at Chica and Bonnie whom still were unmovable just looked dead.
He soon sigh as he saw the purple shade foing to a part of the " location" to one that was secluded. He did not see this in the camaras so he debated what this place was leading. He soon enter a small part that seem to be blocked walls with wood to no longer have access.
Freddy was going to turn back as he felt a sharp pain on the back of his head, making his large body hit the ground.
The pain wouldn't stop as the thing or person kept hitting me. My body couldn't control the pain as my eyes slowly began to close. The last thing i saw was the wide smile non other than the purple guy and hearing him say
" Night Night Freddy Fazbear"

Hey my Pirates,

Hope you enjoyed the latest chapter that I have release and as well continue to support this series love you love you so much.

If you have any suggestion feel free to leave it in the comment below.

Thank you once more and talk to you later <3

The Puppet 2 [Human! Marionette] In FNAF3 Fan Fiction (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now