Dream= Nightmare

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(SpringTrap POV)

Living within the walls of this strange place has been filled with Darkness, yet I have a feeling of not belonging To this place that I call home now or one that is my home as long as my body reminds here. Every dark nightmare you may think of my be living here. All that I dread was here. Everything that happens soon began to change as soon as she came along. For some reason, the puppet has given an aura of life and happiness through corners of this attraction. It quite strange she gives it out so freely yet it's welcoming. I feel we are quite the opposite she brings the light while I am the darkness everyone fears. As much as I want to spread my positivity, I feel only bring you destruction.

Lately, I've been feeling unattached to the old ghost animatronics and this place. One thing is for sure about myself, as much as I want to tell myself that I am one of them I genuinely don't even know who I am. It frustrates me that, If puppet and the other can remember where they came from, then how can I not recall a single memory about myself or at least were was I created. All I know is that I woke up in a dark room alone, in this abandoned place they call the horror attraction, not being able to breathe, only the shadow and the coldness surrounds me.

With a loud sigh, my feet were dragging me the place that I woke, a room so quiet and dark. The room where I remember precisely where humans found my body and decided to use me as a prop for this silly attraction. As much as I love being there on my own without anyone I'm starting to dread it with a passion that my eyes don't even want to close to take a rest.

Lately, as my mechanic shut down for the night, I've been having these strange dreams that have never occurred to me. Thoughts I'm not beginning to consider of myself doing or even want to do yet every time it all comes back one by one.

The dreams always begin to same, My eye opens up in a strange location where the walls were filled with children painting. As well as ceiling decoration made of silver stars as they fall from the walls above. My body begins to get up walking to the opposite side of the wall were a white door is located. Upon doping that door, All I see is a hallway looking endlessly seeing some may appear straight while others had corners as one walks by it. Always in one of those corners, I always seem to see a dark purple shadow that disappears here and there. The dreams go either way. If follow the purple shadow, the result would be finding lots of animatronic pieces that seem quite familiar to Puppets friends, Foxy, Chica, and Freddy. Yet some purple pieces seemed to be of a bunny quite like me. Probably it's Bonnie the friend they talked about that didn't make it. As my face looks up, I see the purple shade goes through me. My body began to feel burned as my screams can be heard throughout this dream as if anyone can listen to me. The other way that this dream goes would be me following him to a room that had mirror surrounded. I looked as in every reflection I see is the purple shade laughing. I try to cover y ears, but it does not work. With the frustration building inside me, I began to break the mirrors with my bare hand. As one by one break making the glass crumble to my feet all that I see from the other side is a raging fire surrounding me in a circle of it. Soon it begins to close on me as my body is consumed by its burning sensation around my body.

My body began to spring up as I observe the room I was in once more. My face was once more dripping bits of sweat as my hands cleaned them once more. I looked at my hands which seemed t be human like the Puppet has mention they would be. At times I feel the puppets arrival is unreal, but my human state reminds me that if it weren't for her, I would still be animatronics for a more extended period of time. My body crawled its way towards the ventilation that I am accustomed to traveling through filling my body with cold air.

My body escaped the ventilation as the security was empty as it usually was just the same simple fan and the spider webs that hung from the ceiling. My body made its way towards the empty rolling seat slouching a bit. My eyelids began to close as a shadow began to appear on the left side of my grey orbs. They imitatively shot up as it was only a small child with a colorful sinning hat that seemed to always be around Marionette. He seemed to be still just looking straight at me as his till face made a small smirk

" Hey um BB, if that's your name, is there anything I can do for you," I asked in a kind matter being quite a careful of the words that came out of my mouth.

The kid made his smirk in a way that seemed to portray evil as his small footsteps came closer and closer towards me.

" yes Mister spring trap you git my name right, but you know what is not right about you MR, will you seem to give off the Aura of man that I despise for what he did to my mother. Don't get me wrong bunny I do love meeting new people, but you just give off the same aura of the man named purple guy. "

My eye widen as I see of the man he is speaking about in my dreams, my body stood up as I looked down upon his small figure. " If you know about this purple man then tell me about him."

The kid just giggles as he looked up," Oh you want to know, but let us play a game of I know, and you get to figure out " the boy quickly turn to make his way towards the dark hallway hearing his small footprints. Leaving me in the security room alone reminding me of the purple shade.

Hey my Pirates,

Hope you enjoyed the latest chapter that I have release and as well continue to support this series. What do you think will happen next on Springtrap or  do you believe his dreams are evil or meaningful?

If you have any suggestion feel free to leave it in the comment below.

Thank you once more and talk to you later <3

The Puppet 2 [Human! Marionette] In FNAF3 Fan Fiction (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now