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(Marionette POV )

The day after the small meeting that was held on the security office things began to go back to the ordinary, SpringTrap isolating himself from the Ghost animatronic and the ghost animatronic not communicating with him. Though I did wish they may speak to each other to figure out more about this place or what happened before this location, I knew there was little I may be able to do nor can I force them to speak to each other. 

I sigh as my feet were dragging me slowly through the corridor of this place that I yet have left to uncover. I did see around but not a full experience of the location and still get a bit lost. This place was quite quiet with the occasional movement of the others or small water droplets falling from the ceiling onto the ground making the room quite more creeper.

My mind began to resurface question that I still not comprehend about the other like myself and SpringTrap. To reassure something that I have concluded, I was a ghost such as BB, mangle, Foxy, Freddy, and Chica. Though It seemed that SpringTap is the only Animatronic that was quite alive and was functional. One thing kept crossing my mind while I kept having occasional gazes when we encountered each other. I had never seen the yellow bunny before around the location that we were in nor have the old animatronic has mentioned seeing them back. Yet I have a strange feeling that the Animatronic and Springtrap know more than they are trying to hide.

Soon my feet made its destination to the playroom  this specific place that seems too familiar to the location were Mangle, BB and I came from. I smile knowing if this place was not one I desire to be  it has a similar atmosphere that I loved. This also reminds me of where I find my beloved music box that has helped many along the way which as well held some of beautiful memories. My eyes averted its gaze towards a top hat I was too familiar to be unrecognizable, he was playing with my small child that was to innocence for the evilness of this corrupted world. With cautious movement, I stood next to the Bear who was sitting on the ground. Slowly I tapped his shoulder not wanting to fright him as much. He turned around as a smile appeared in an instant. BB, on the other hand, left Freddy as he jumped on my leg wrapping his body around me tightly that made me giggle as I tap his head feeling his fluffy yet brown burned hair.

" Oh hey puppet welcome is there something you need " he ask with such kindness.

I smile as I nodded towards him wanting to speak within private not wanting to let my sweet little boy hear our conversation. " yeah actually there is something that has been concerning me. BB my angel if it's ok if Freddy and I may talk about something. I promise once I am done I will find you. " he seems to be a bit disappointed about my request yet he completely understood. I lean down as I kissed his forehead and his nose. BB kissed my cheek getting off my leg. He gave me a wave with his small hands as I see him disappear through the dark halls that surround this place. My body moved back to Freddy as I began to look at him in a serious expression one that is only shown when there are mysterious I try to uncover.

"Freddy I need you to help me a bit. Please tell me what the last thing that you remember before entering a place is. Why are you guys burned or what happens to the children that were connected to you guys?" My voice shows an expression of concern as I crossed my arms leaning on a wall filled with children painting. One so familiar with me

He began to rub the back of his head as he stares at the ground not wanting to encounter my black orbs. " To be honest marionette Personally, I do not quite remember what happened before coming to this attraction. My memories are quite fuzzy, and so are the others. Though I do find it strange how I remember the location I meet you as well as the memories that followed with it yet not the ones that happen after we left your location. Sorry I wish I knew more as well about our current bodies and shape we are in. Even Spring trap he seems to confuse on what is happing since he seems to be new to the whole Animatronic situation."

I nod as I looked out the dark hallway having my mind blank out just imagine what might they have encountered while they were out. My vision was turning back towards the bear till the corner of my eye I spotted a white figure is sitting on the floor of the cold dark hallway. My eye turned back to Freddy as I smile not wanting to speak of what I encounter. Maybe I need a rest from all that's been going on lately. I thanked Freddy as I once more begin my journey to follow what I have encountered. I looked once more through the hallways from left to right trying to confront the child.

I looked till my body unwilling moved towards one of the exits of this attraction which have yet visited since my arrival. It was quit unlike myself to decide to be here but many mysterious things have happen so I was not surperise. Seeing nothing is here my legs began to turn in the opposite direction back to my resting place till I saw a familiar face I have long yet seen. The ghost who was a child sat on the ground with his legs criss-cross on the floor. His head was leaned to the side as he looked at me with his crimson eye which is the only distinguish feature he has as his whole figure seem white. With his face, he showed a dull expression feeling free yet trapped not able to be in a happy place.

My body walked over to the small child. Looking over the child, I see a resemblance to Bonnie, yet I shook that out of my head as I crouching down to get to the same height as the child. I sigh as I ask " hey little one are you ok do you need to be helped? "

The kid looked up connected our gaze as he began to fade as small tears fell from his eye. " Please, puppet he is here. Save us once more " My eye widen as it hit me like a bus. This kid was one of the children I saved the day of the birthday party and place him into one of the animatronic bodies. With a jerk I yelled " wait for a bit please what happen little one," yet it was all too late as he has already faded.

My gaze averted towards the halls once more knowing that though I do not know the truth of what occurs several clues are being left behind for me to solve. One thing is definitely for sure this "He" is someone who is involved and dread the most. Purple Guy.

Hey my Pirates,

Hope you enjoyed the latest chapter that I have release and as well continue to support this series. What do you think will happen next on Marionette adventure to uncover the secrets of this place? 

Also question for today  What is your favorite and least favorite thing about the FNAF 3 game?

If you have any suggestion feel free to leave it in the comment below.

Thank you once more and talk to you later <3

The Puppet 2 [Human! Marionette] In FNAF3 Fan Fiction (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now