Illusion or reality

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(Marionette POV)

My gaze was back on his face as his head faced towards the other direction. One where I was no longer able to see the reaction that was placed on his face. My black orbs looked at the floor as I had no words that would be able to explain or express how to feel about the whole situation that was being unwrap next to me. His raspy voice began to speak in a quiet tone but it was understandable

"The color purple keeps on appearing on my dreams one way or another, it is like it is haunting me from discovering something, but I want it to stop or else I would lose my mind in a place where it is already corrupt. " He held his face on his hands as his broken ears went down. 

I sigh as I gave him a side hug wanting him to feel comfortable and not alone from a place that even myself dislike. I soon felt his warmth around my human body. For me to feel SpringTraps warm not only meant he had emotions running through him but that he can finally feel secure to be around me and trust me when something is wrong. I soon separated but soon I am being pulled back with an elastic force. My face was buried into his chest as his head was slowly propped on top of my head. All I could hear was his heart pounding in a steady motion as he let out soft breathing. 

" Let me be like this just for a couple of minutes please" Springtraps voice was like no other I heard him communicate I can feel sincerity, but inside me, I feel that something is not what it seem, yet I told myself that I should not think about that bout my friend. I should support him all that I can. His hug was soon eased as he separated from me. My face looked up slowly as he gave me a sinister smile. 

" Thanks Marionette you are truly a life saver." With that, I see his giant human bunny figure disappear through the darkness of the hallways that I knew to well to not recogize. With a small sigh, I began to make my way to the arcade room, but my head turns back once more as I saw nothing more than an empty hallway.

(Spring Trap POV) 

My body began to walk to the end of the cold dark hall way that I knew too well the more that I have spent a day in this place. My face began to look around staring at the creepy poster that seems to be the brown bear Freddy Fazbear what appear to be some food. I saw the large red illuminated words that hang on the ceiling as he kept observing it. The door below the sign seems to be tempting to go through but knowing that as soon as he grabs that push door, it would be from human to back to an animotronic. With a large sigh, I look back at the small end of the hallway. 

" well, there is nothing more to do here time to get back to the main office" Once more I sigh as my body began to count making my way into the ventilation shaft I knew how to naviagte. Soon as my body was quickly emerged my ears picked up what seems to be a soft laugh. Not just any laugh but a sinister one that seems to echo through my bunny ears and the small hallway. With a large gulp, I manage to turn my head as I see what appear to be a figure standing behind me in the dark shadows. My body made its way out as I rose out of the opening as my face and body faced the figure in the dark. With the little courage, I had in my body I manage et speak to the dark figure.

" W-who are, and w-what do y-you want?" my voice said as I stared at it as its once quiet area was filled with a chuckled. His body emerges as it was a figment of my imagination.

My eyes grew large as my body felt weak like a sack of bricks was through to me. I lean on the wall for support as I stared at the figure.

" What is up SpringTrap happy to see me," the rough voice said as he stood there with his violet hair, his light purple skin and purple security uniform with a bright yellow star.  His white eyes stare straight at me as I felt he would burn through my skull just by keeping contact. With a sigh, I stood up straight as I faced him wanting to know answers.

" I see you in my dreams what do you want from me!" My voice soon was serious as I cross my arms on my chest. The purple man chuckled once more as he began to get closer to my body in a slow motion. My eyes would not leave his face as I follow his every move.

" Spring Trap Let me introduce myself, I am The Purple Guy" He bowed taking his security guard  hat uniform in the process. He soon smirks as He looked at me " Well To answer your question yellow bunny there is one thing that I need to make it clear" He soon moved his body so that he would be right next to mine.

 " SpringTrap me and You are the same people. I am you, and you are me. Why do you think you have more dismantled pieces and looks like you have been rotten and most of all seem to have real human flesh in you than all the others " He smirked as the words that came off of his mouth was an achemient that he was so proud of.

 My heart was beating in a fast paste as my eyes looked down while I covered my ears to hear nothing more. I wanted this Purple Man to leave and let me be just a plain animatronic.  He soon came close still hearing the news ring around my head

" Spring Trap just let me in " All he said as his hand was placed on my shoulder with the slightest touch my mind soon went from feeling the warmth that the puppet gave me to a cold feeling. My mind was not thinking of friendship but was now thinking of the most sinister plans that would come in the future.

Hey my Pirates,

First of all, I am sorry that I have not been updating but I hope you guys are not mad at me and I completely understand if you guys are uninterested in this story. Thank you for those who are still around and supporting this story. It truly means a lot even if i do not show it as much.

Hope you enjoyed the latest chapter that I have released and as well continue to support this series. What do you think will happen next to Springtrap ?

If you have any suggestion feel free to leave it in the comment below I would love to hear them.

Thank you once more and talk to you later <3

The Puppet 2 [Human! Marionette] In FNAF3 Fan Fiction (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now