Its been so long

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I do not own the picture or the characters respect to the rightful owner nor the music
(Marionette POV)
I kept walking through dark alleys looking for my small and special music box that has a major impact on me. As I walk through the hallways I notice many peculiar kids drawing from the animotronic that I knew, but found really strange is that Foxy,chica,Bonnie,and Freddy looked like they had there very own place like I did. I smiled, I knew they were finally happy and out of the killing and pain that happen when they were with us.
I continued to wonder when I stumble upon a small but enjoyable room. It had wonderful machine games all around and lots of decoration like my restaurants. I smiled remembering all the lovely times I would kill that stupid security but also spent time with all the children bringing then joys in there eyes.
As the small memories faded away I looked down to a small burned up box. I took a closer look to see the paint chipping off but knew this box so well. I hugged it with all my might as I began to spin the handle with care the melody came back so broken but soft for my ears only.
The soft melody continue its song when my slender hand turned to skin and flesh as It use to be. I couldn't believe, it actually work im going to be the girl I once was.My whole body continue to transform to flesh. I giggled feeling ticklish here and there during the process. Then it's suddenly stop.
I looked over myself smiling through my Puppet mask. I gave myself a swirl not believing that I'm human. My hand automatically landed it's place in my heart as I could feel the relax pounding continue and stood there getting as much air not even believing that I'm alive. I lifted my mask while smiling and giggled again while hugging the small box.
One thing I found odd was my knee length black puffy dress was no longer in shape but rather looked burn and some of it ripped. Also I wore black high top sneakers which don't remember wearing them back in the old location.
As soon I was going to take my leave to my "New" home i heard a metal being kick. I turned in a flash to a shadow figure in the hallway. I froze there as my heart pounded faster as well as my breath got heavier. The first idea that went over my head was to RUN. In a sec that's what my body though as well. I didn't care were I ran i just wanted to get away from that sound. I didn't even looked at my surrounding I just ran.
I then stoped in to a to familiar room. The spinning chair, the messy desk, and the spinng fan it definitely has to be the security office. There were spider webs here and there but look to untaken care of like the other rooms. I kept walking in further to the messy room till my eyes went from calm to wide scared in an instant. I kept on nodding my head while tears began streaming down the side of my face . I place my small hands on my mouth preventing me from me screaming and crying out loud. I slowly made my way to the brown box on the floor.
The faces of my old family lag there all cramped up in the box. I crouch down to inspect them carefully. I lean my shaking hand inward to touch a to familiar face, bon bon. I stroke the mask with my index fingers know this face to well. I place his mask down then reach in my hand once more to grab a face.
I snatch it up in a flash knowing it's feature from a mile away. Instead of touching it like Toy Bonnie. I hugged it,
" I wonder how much pain they cause you baby."
As the hugging continues I then felt the aura of the room change. I knew I was  not the only one in here. I slow and carefully looked upon some yellow greenish eyes looking at my black orbs, but he was no human.
I backed up slowly , but upon backing up I hit a wall. The shoddy  figures  stood there looking at me.
I had some courage in me and spoke with confidence.
" who are you"
The figure didn't answer but let out a screech. I knew deep down that I he was dangerous but wanted to help. I left my music box as well as BB head on the floor. I stood up slowly while walking towards him not taking my eyes of of him. Soon I was face to face to what seems to be a yellow Bonnie but he look rotten and damage seems that no one care for this guy, which hurt me a little since it remind of Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy. He looked down upon me and I smile.
" hi I'm marionette and I could tell that you need some fixing in you "  he didn't respond and soon sat him down on the spinning chair were I got started.

Hey there my pirates,
what do you guys think of this chapter?  Also what will marionette do to this mysterious person ?
Thank you for the support and I'll talk to you guys all later

The Puppet 2 [Human! Marionette] In FNAF3 Fan Fiction (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now