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(Marionette POV)

She cried her eyes out just laying there, with no words flowing out of that mouth of hers just sounds or relief. I then feel BB lifts his tiny head up to stare into my black eyes knowing that this mere illusion was never going to fade. Tears still trickling from his face, placing his tender hands on the side of my pink cheek. Our forehead collided with each other still not believing that he has finally come back to his mother. Slowly with my thumb, I wipe away his tears while I tenderly kiss his rough ginger hair. Chica's sobs were echoing through the small room where the magical transformation become a reality. I adjusted BB closer to my chest settling his tiny head on my shoulder. His breathing slowed down grabbing my neck while his blue orbs cover its self from everyone and everything. Quietly I began to pace myself toward the delicate yet broken girl who endures the pain of a lost one who returns from the grave with a smile. I crouch down toward her fragile body placing my tender hand upon her head.

I sigh while giving a small smile soothing her pain. My tender touch created an aura of safety toward her. She then spoke with a calm voice yet anger in every word that came out of that once innocent girl.

"M-Marionette, where were you? Why did you have to leave us, leave me?

I was speechless towards her words. Never once in my memory, back in the old location did we have a strong bond. She did once try to take someone special from me.We are just acquaintance nothing more. My mind was wrapped up with her word. Suddenly I felt a huge weight on me causing me to tumble back with BB body on to me. Wincing, I open one eye to stare into yellow with bits of black hair, hugging the life out of me along with BB. Her giggles soon filled the room making me smile. Her fuzzy purple orbs meet mine with a smile.

" I'm glad you are back. I can't wait to tell the others that BB was right. You were alive. BB missed you the most you know. You should have seen his puppet, the day that you seem to have died. After your eyes closed we kept yelling your name coming with no response from you. Once we were sure you weren't coming back to us, Foxy carried your body toward your box as he observed every detail of that precious face of yours. Once you were in the box we were thinking we were Never going to see you again. Suddenly your purple and blue boxed glow transforming our once human body back to our original state, animatronic. BB had to be calmed down by mangle once the transformation ended. He kept yelling "mommy no, she is awake I know she is. " He would go to bed with tears in his eyes but wake up screaming or in times he would run to your box and stand there for hours waiting till you pop out Bonnie or Freddy had to carry him to mangles room with an emotionless face not even picking a fight anymore. This lasted 4 days but every day after your death one or two of us would be program off. Me mangle was the last along with BB.

For the last time, I saw him hug your box with tears trickling down his face saying to you " we'll meet again mommy ok Love you" then my eyes were shot forever well at least that's what I thought till now. "

I sigh not knowing how to respond to the words spilling out of her mouth. All that was surrounding my mind and body was leaving BB to suffer and inflicting mental and physical pain onto him. How would I be able to protect him if I cant know where he is or what has happened to my child? I embraced him more while Chica kept embracing me tighter and tighter. Through the end of the lightless hallway, I head footprints approaching slowly yet its pace quicken. Suddenly it came to a halt. I slowly scan my surrounding to meet some blue orbs, with a black top hat and bear ears one whole other half ripped. I smiled at him with tears trickling down my eyes " Hi Freedy Great to see my Big Teddy bear again." He stood there with his cloth already half fine but half bun running towards me with an angry face yet worried expression plaster over his face. I giggle thinking "I miss this warm expression of those around me comforting each other.

The Puppet 2 [Human! Marionette] In FNAF3 Fan Fiction (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now