M-Marionette Pt.2

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(Marionette POV)

All I feel is Foxy body collided with mine as he places his scratchy chin on to my cold skin. His embrace was hard yet so peaceful. I intertwined my fingers to his ginger hair as he kept hugging me. A cold wetness fell on my back, I kept rubbing his head, I knew he missed me but never thought this lovable dork would cry for me.

"Foxy I'm here, its ok I'm not going anywhere," I said but all I heard was hiccups. I close my eyes thinking about our beautiful memories we both shared through the Pizzeria. We have had our bad and good times but deep down I know I love him. Our embrace separated while I stared into his puffy yellow eyes.

"come on little fox you don't want to keep the other waiting, do we? I need to see is Mangle, but I've met Freddy and chica and my little baby BB. Oh and I have a question do you guys know anyone by the name of spring trap I mean he's the one who actually saw me first but I guess he's a pretty good guy but I have this Bad feeling that he is not what he seems you know it's just I feel it but others than that he's a pretty good guy."

Foxy nod at a rapid pace but I count see that this little fox couldn't answer me in his emotional state that was express onto him. I began to gather my strength back to stand up to meet the other fox that has been there for me since the beginning of my life for as I can remember. My small hand was soon connected to a warm large hand. With a kind smile on his face, he leads me through the once dark hallway where the security office was located that has the scarps of my old friend. I inspected the room once more see how messy it was which didn't surprise me remembering the other guard office.

I made my way with gentle steps to the rolling chair and sat my bottom down while feeling this feeling I was being observed from afar but shook my head feeling that my mind was probably playing tricks on me.

Foxy then began to yell out " Mangle there is someone here who wants to see you " he commented trying not to sound excited, with a quick past he stood next to me. I could hear mangles metals as she drops down with a bored expression.

" Foxy I told you that I really don't want to-" her words came to a stop as I stare back into her yellow eyes with a loving smile plater on my face.She stood still in her place until I felt her embrace me tightly as her tears fell from her eyes. Mangle was not one to express what she is feeling but once in a while it nice to uncover her emotions.

I stopped hugging her as I looked at her human face once more remembering how she would usually be defending me from the Toys who were managing to keep me in my place but eventually failed miserably. I smile once more as the memories kept flooding till from the corner of my eyesight I see a human bunny hiding near the Freddy body that stood outside the hallway. His yellow ears could be detected by the door frame.

I then looked in The only Yellow Bunny that was in the building as I spoke to him in a kind clear matter " Hey bunny boy are you just going to stand there or are you going to say a simple hello " His body came into full sight as he stares back at me with his round grey eye.

The others mention no word nor commented on his presence but the aura of the room did have a slight change no word nor commented on his presence but the aura of the room did have a slight change. I turn back to the others to see the expression on there face that show fear but as well with bravery. I had a questionable expression as I faced to my beloved friends.

"Um Ok, Guys meet SpringTrap and Spring trap meet some of my friends that we have a bit of history together. Foxy and Mangle, They are both foxes." I mention showing a smile trying to clear the tension around both animatronics. he nodded knowing from the time I encountered him that he is not really social with others. I Felt a hand grab onto mine that was not smooth but a bit rough texture. I looked up to encounter Spring trap

" Hey, I need to speak with you " He mentions in a low yet powerful voice that fights me a bit but agrees.

I agree to speak with him about the matter he might have discussed when another force was pulling me with a strong grip but it was calm.

" I don't know if you know this but she was speaking with us and reuniting with her family and those she loves so you have no right to take her. " Foxy smirk at him and planned him a stern glare

You could hear Spring trap chuckle as he shown a smirk on his face toward Foxy grabbing me as he taking me out of the room. With his cocky voice, " if you'll excuse me, aa certain bunny and puppet have matters to discuss. If you don't mind we shall be taking our leave thank you for your time" he then pulled me through the dark cold hallways of the interior of place recognizing some supplies from our pizzeria that were dangling from the ceiling. I gave one last look as I looked behind me seeing that the others were secretly keeping up with me in a stealthy matter. I gave them a confused look not knowing why must the bunny take me away. we finally made it to the place I would call my sleeping area. I looked around once more of the room filled with boxes and pictures of the children.

Spring trap with a confused looked asked me "So you know the ghost who are here with me but how is that possible " he started at me while his arms were crossed his arms.

I looked up at him ready to respond to his question while I looked back at him I saw what was behind him and I never though Foxy would bring the whole ghost animatronics to our location.

Then with a Growl in Foxy voice with confidence, he said " Who gives you the right to take her away when we could all talk what do you say"

I had no words but all I knew was this experience with Ghost and one animatic just got a lot wilder

Hey my Pirates,

It's so good to be back to writing this story and I know that probably you guys are mad for me not updating but with school in the way I had no time but I do hope that I may continue to the write and thank you for those who have stayed by and supporting my story. I Hope I can talk to you later bye bye for now.

PS. if you have any suggestion feel free to leave it in the comment below.

The Puppet 2 [Human! Marionette] In FNAF3 Fan Fiction (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now