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Hey my Pirates,

It's so good to be back to writing this story and I know that probably you guys are mad for me not updating and I understand that many of you may not be interested but hear me out. I had a major writer's block and had school to deal with but as soon as I saw FNAF 6 the ultimate custom night I began to write once more and have inspiration.

Thank you for those who are still around and supporting this story and loving it as much as I am willing to continue.

If you have any suggestion feel free to leave it in the comment below.

Thank you once more

(Marionette POV)

All the animatronic made a circle at the security office I was getting accustomed to yet seem so familiar that it may have sent chills down my bones. As all the animatronics were getting to a section to complete this circle to have a conversation about what in the world was happening to each other or at last get to know each other. The animatronics I knew like a family gave Spring trap a sinister gaze making their eyes seem darker than the shade they already seem to display. The only one who appears calm and somewhat afraid was BB himself. BB seems to hold onto my large hand onto his tiny warm hand never letting go fearing he would lose me once more. I still feel remorse for all the awful memories I have left upon him as I died the day of the old location. Now that I think about it the animatronics only show these staring emotion, agony, and hatred towards The Man I would not like to mention, Purple Guy. Thinking about him made me bitter but now is not the time, for now, I shall focus on the present.

I gave a quiet sigh seeing most of the animatronics seem to fix there gazes on the floor or the dark surroundings that this place has seemed to be. My gaze landed on the mustard bunny its self-thinking I still had questions I want to answer such as how long has Springtrap been here or what day is it or at least does he have any information before coming here. My mind was in a tangle that I fail to notice his grey eye watching me. I looked back at him as I mouth sorry, but all that bunny did was a smile and rolled his eyes in a playful matter. I smiled as well in a pleasant way knowing that he only shares his smiles with those he has gained his trust.

The room grew entirely silent more than its normal aspect of a spooky yet haunted location that we all seem to be stuck in. The silence seems to have annoyed Foxy since he stood up looking at everyone focusing his attention towards Springtrap to grasp on. He clears his throat as he spoke up with his mighty voice letting a dark aura of understanding toward the Bunny. "Let's make one thing straight as much as you are one of us now helping us try to uncover the mysteries of what has happened I, Myself do not trust you. To me, you seem a bit off, but If Marionette trusted you, you take that trust and whatever you do don't lose it." He seems a bit enraged yet looked him straight towards his golden yellow eyes. I touched my chest signaling him to take a deep breath. Though he is uptight, he followed my action as he once more spoke directing it to Springtrap. " My name if Foxy the fox I am one of the members of the original animatronic that was presented to the Freddy Fazbear corporation. To make this clear bunny, I don't know who you are, and you don't know us so let's start with a simple and nice introduction. " He then proceeded to point out the others. " we have Freddy Fazbear, the bear the leader or shall I say boss of the crew, Chica the chicken another one of our members and sadly Bonnie the bunny which unfortunately could not make it with us for an unknown reason that we ourself don't have a clue about either.Now I must say Ballon Boy or BB as many of us call him and Mangle the fox are from the Freddy Fazbear corporation that we ourself came from as well" Foxy stopped as he looked over at my direction as to seem to want me to speak on behaving on the animatronics like BB and mangle of course.

I stood up as directing my gaze on spring track not wanted to give a sharp gaze yet one he can see he may be able to trust us "Toys " as we may speak. " AS you probably known Spring trap I am Marionette the puppet who gave life to not only my friend but as well as try to save ghost children to give them a better chance. The people are who are here is BB or as Ballon Boy is many her known a person who I love as my own child and Mangle the fox is someone whom I have respect but as well as a sister. We all come from the same location but as Foxy stated many of my kind did not make it as you can see they were scrapped for purposes that I rather not speak of at the moment. I guess that is all I have to say at the moment and if you have any question let me know" I knew I should talk to spring trap about what happen yet My mouth was not willing to cooperate with me at the moment. My body sat back down as I looked at Spring trap.

The bunny rose from his seat as a plaster smirk looking at those whom yet seem to know who he was as he spoke. " Well hello. I am Spring Trap one thing that I want to get clear is that honestly I have no idea what I am doing here but Let me just say I will figure it out. I hope we get along my fellow friend" he sat down still smirking as he leaned back wards on his chair. His introduction was quite short yet One thing that felt strange about the language he was trying to communicate to the other. His voice and words now that I think about it seem familiar, yet I couldn't place my mind onto it. I was thinking of Purple- No I am crazy he is not presence here.

As soon as Springtrap stop speaking, we all began to get up. I looked over at Spring once more before the day was coming upon as I head in the direction of my sweet corner next to BB. My mind was telling me everything is fine yet my gut was telling me something within these walls seem amiss yet sinister.

The Puppet 2 [Human! Marionette] In FNAF3 Fan Fiction (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now