Back Story1

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The sound of the first cry of a baby was the thing to break the silence. The god of healing, Apollo, brought the baby to the gods and dragons waiting outside.

"Umm... Father?" He said a but cautiously, knowing the loud argumentbthat might follow. "You might be surprised"

The gods craned their necks upwards and the dragons craned theirs downwards to see what caused Apollo to say so.

When they saw the baby child some gasped in surprise and somee roared in disapproval.

It was a girl. This would have been enough to categorise her as a goddess if it weren't for the shinning black and silver scales that covered throughout her body, they kept appearing and reappearing like a heartbeat.

"What is the meaning of this Apollo? Is she a dragon or is she a goddess?"

"I think, Lord Zeus, she is of the prophecy." Which earned even more sounds of disapproval.

"KILL HER!" Roared the lord of the skies.

All living people there stared at Zeus a bit stunned. It was understandable why he was reaction as so but to resort to To kill a new born child was simply unthinkable. The dragons, for once in their lives, agreed with the gods.

"Zeus, she's just a child. Let us raise her. Maybe she might not be. It is too early to decide. If she is raised up in a proper way she might not turn bad. And take Apollo's own word, he only thinks, he is not sure." Hestia, the goddess of peace defends. For Hestia it was sinful and unthinkable to kill an infant who had done nothing wrong yet.

"I have to agree with Hestia, Father. This decision is too hasty. She is of our blood," Artimes, the goddess of the childbirth defended, it was against her code to let such an innocent child die. "We should raise her till she is of proper age. If she shows any sign of being the 'Lady of Pandemonium' then we only should we take any proper action"

The gods other murmured in agreement.

"I have to agree. Lord Zeus, we shall take turns of teaching her, since it is is unclear. Killing her as an infant who has done nothing wrong is sinful and cowardly." Igneel, the young and new king of the dragons reasoned with the god.

Dragons and god's were not know for their companionship. It was rare for a dragon and a god to agree on something at all, and especially a thing with such gravity.

"Do what you must," Zeus said as he turned to leave the room. "But I will not accept a thing that may cause such destruction." The god of thunder left the room. Even the child has stooped crying, as though understanding what was going on. The room went completely silent. Nobody dared to speak. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"Well,let's start by naming the child." Garndina said, Her voice echoing through the silent room.

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